Award ceremony at the Unibund
Dr Stefan Geißler from the Chair of Computer Science III has been awarded the University Sponsorship Prize of the mainfränkischen Wirtschaft.
moreDr Stefan Geißler from the Chair of Computer Science III has been awarded the University Sponsorship Prize of the mainfränkischen Wirtschaft.
moreIn a new ranking, Computer Science at the University of Würzburg has achieved very good positions in a number of areas. In one discipline, it is even ranked 1st in Germany.
moreFor ten years now, Würzburg corps students have been awarding the Rector Max Meier Prize for young scientists. This year, it goes to Michael Bleier from the Chair of Computer Science XVII (Robotics).
moreA new Würzburg space mission is on the home straight: The SONATE-2 nanosatellite will test novel artificial intelligence hardware and software technologies in orbit.