Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science


News archive

Advancing digitalisation in medical research, teaching and treatment: A new working group from the University Hospital and the University is working on this. Among others, Computer Science II and Media Informatics are involved.


The Chair of Space Technology celebrated the successful launch of a new university satellite with a reception. It became clear that the University of Würzburg is ideally positioned when it comes to space travel.


In a new forum at the University of Würzburg, small and medium-sized companies can find out whether and how they can benefit from artificial intelligence. Prof Dr. Birgit Lugrin is in charge of the project.


Bavaria's new Digital Minister Dr. Fabian Mehring paid his first visit to the University of Würzburg. He was impressed by the projects and achievements of the XR Hub.


On the night of 4 to 5 March 2024, the University of Würzburg's SONATE-2 nanosatellite was successfully launched into space. It will test new hardware and software technologies for artificial intelligence.
