Professor Harald Wehnes has published another volume in the “AI in Project Management” series focusing on experiences with the use of AI in specific projects.
moreProfessor Harald Wehnes has published another volume in the “AI in Project Management” series focusing on experiences with the use of AI in specific projects.
moreThe KI24 conference kicked off today at the University of Würzburg's Computer Science building, bringing together AI experts and researchers from around the world.
moreThe Bavarian Ministry of Science is funding ten young AI talents in the postdoc phase. One of them is computer scientist Dr. Adrian Krenzer from the University of Würzburg. He develops AI systems for medicine
moreCAIDAS members Damien Garreau and his research assistant Magamed Taimeskhanov, together with Ronan Sicre, have been awarded a Best Paper Award at the ECML PKDD 2024 conference for their research on flaws in AI interpretability methods.
moreExploring a valley on mars, exploring caves, searching for life: These are the goals of the german research initiative VaMEx. The professorship Space Technology at the University of Würzburg is involved.