Context in Intelligent Environments

According to current trends, the home of the future will be smart and sensor technology will be ubiquitous. The flood of incoming data is used to increase our quality of life, e.g. through smart assistants or home automation. Eventually, this technology will set the scene for socially competent assistive agents to support us in our everyday lives. Such ambient intelligent systems do not only require an extensive amount of data but also a consistent and comprehensive representation of contextual knowledge.
In our research we aim to define these requirements and explore different possibilities to infer and process knowledge in dynamic environments. One of the major principles is that context needs to be adapted to the present situation. We approach this by providing multiple representations of the environment as well as anticipating reasoning methods.
The 'Reflected Reality' system is our in-house prototype and the heart of our smart lab. It is capable of inferring contextual knowledge in a human-agent shared environment, and to provide it to virtual or physical agents when required. It incorporates a semantics-based reasoning engine as well as a state-of-the-art game engine which allow the generation and representation of context on multiple levels of abstraction. The focus is on creating a research environment for agent development and experiments in context-dependent situations.
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