Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science V

Melissa Donnermann


Melissa completed her bachelor's and master's degree in media communication with a focus on media informatics and has been working as a tutor in media informatics since 2016 and as a PhD student since 2019. Since then, she has gained several years of research experience in the field of social robots in higher education with a focus on adaptivity and long-term studies and established the "Tutoring with Pepper" over several semesters, an applied use of a social robot as a tutor for students accompanying our lecture "Media Informatics 1/2", which is unique in Germany. Another focus is on field studies with social robots, for example in hotels, doctors' offices or at conferences.

Research areas:

  • Social Robots in Education
  • Social Robots in Public Spaces
  • Long-term Studies with Social Robots
  • Field Studies with Social Robots


  • Übungen zur Medieninformatik - Digitale Medien 1
  • Übungen zur Medieninformatik - Digitale Medien 2
  • Seminar: Multimedia Applications
  • Seminar: Soziale Roboter in Hotels

Contact Details

Melissa Donnermann
Chair for Computer Science V
Socially Interactive Agents
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland (Campus Süd) 
D-97074 Würzburg, Germany

Tel: +49 931 31 83462

Room: B107 , Building M2
Consultation-Hour: by appointment