Project Overview

Development and on-orbit testing of a primary payload for the SONATE nanosatellite mission for autonomous diagnosis of operational faults
As part of the ADIA-Light project, the ADIA++ diagnostic kernel is being ported to a suitable embedded platform for use on board the SONATE nanosatellite mission.
The ADIA++ project is the logical continuation and next higher expansion stage of ADIA. Over the course of two years, the autonomous diagnostic software will undergo a major upgrade so that it can also handle the very large amounts of telemetry data that are constantly generated on board large satellites and interplanetary space probes.
The situation in orbit differs fundamentally from that on earth. The influences in space, such as radiation, place higher demands on software and hardware. A further limitation compared to ADIA++ is the reduced computing power available on board satellite systems and the limited supply of electrical energy, which ADIA-Light has to share with the other consumers on board.
ADIA light will fly on board SONATE as an experimental payload and will be tested in orbit. The software runs on two independent BeagleCore modules, which operate in a cold-redundant manner.
As with the previous versions, the role of ADIA-Light is the passive detection and analysis of anomalies on board. The elimination of anomalies initially remains the task of the operator on the ground. For future projects, however, the evaluation of a recovery function for the direct elimination of operational faults would be conceivable.
The project is being carried out in close cooperation with the Chair of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Computer Science (Computer Science VI) at the University of Würzburg and is funded by the Space Agency of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) under the funding code 50RM1723 with funds from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).
Start of the Project: 01.10.2017
Duration: 21 Month (End 30.06.2019)
Funding Code: 50RM1723
Gerhard Fellinger (Project Manager)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hakan Kayal
Prof. Dr. Frank Puppe