Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science VII - Robotics and Telematics

Fraunhofer FHR successfully tracks CubeSat


After almost two weeks without dedicated tracking information the German TIRA Radar from Fraunhofer FHR was able to track an object belonging to our group of satellites. After setting our ground station to the tracked object we had a very successful pass at 10:38 UTC!
We were able to download 3 kBytes of data showing the heat response of all satellite’s panels right after eclipse exit. The panels heat up with a rate of 1.96°C/min which we expected.
Furthermore, we decided to turn on the ADCS in safe mode. The next passes will be used to determine the power system’s performance under these new conditions in order to assure safe operations of the satellite.
After establishing such a good communication we would like to thank again Fraunhofer FHR for their help and cooperation!

Object Tracked by TIRA

1 99998U 00322A 13336.42626157 .00000000 00000+0 00000+0 0 01

2 99998 97.7865 48.6858 0075542 157.9106 313.7216 14.74514226 08