Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science VII - Robotics and Telematics

New UWE-3 Telemetry Online Decoder


Since launch we received great support from radio amateurs all around the world, which sent us beacon files via e-mail or uploaded them to our ftp-server. More than 6.000 Beacon frames have been collected from the radio amateur community, growing daily.

Since launch we received great support from radio amateurs all around the world, which sent us beacon files via e-mail or uploaded them to our ftp-server. More than 6.000 Beacon frames have been collected from the radio amateur community, growing daily.

Yesterday we harmonized all the received beacon files online with support of Mike Rupprecht (DK3WN) by use of his new UWE-3 Telemetry Online Decoder software with online capabilities. As a result of the test period of the last weeks we decided to turn off our ftp-server and we would like to ask you to use the new online feature of the decoder software which can be downloaded here:

Please setup your call sign and QTH in the ini-file before you use it. With this information you can see an actual statistic of the received beacons here:

As an upcoming event we will celebrate UWE-3 six months in space next week.