Deutsch Intern
Chair of Computer Science VII - Robotics and Telematics

UWE-3 Expected toggle of the microcontroller


Today UWE-3 switched to the redundant micro controller as a precautionary measure after 67 days without interruption. At the weekend we had a storm warning for the city of Würzburg, so the antennas have been down for several days.

Today UWE-3 switched to the redundant micro controller as a precautionary measure after 67 days without interruption. At the weekend we had a storm warning for the city of Würzburg, so the antennas have been down for several days. Without any contact to the ground segment, UWE-3 switched during the morning hours of March 17 to the redundant microcontroller purely as precautionary measure. The current weather conditions are back to normal and we have already re-established contact to UWE-3 successfully.

Antenna tower at the roof of the informatics building.