UWE-3 Reception
UWE-3 Data Reports from all over the world
Thanks to all enthusiastic radio amateurs tracking UWE-3 and providing regularly data received. Especially we want to thank (sorted alphabetically). Note: All links to radio amateurs are external links and governed by our "Impressum+Datenschutz" rules.
- CU2JX (S. Miguel Island)
- DE1MGS (Germany, SWL)
- DK3WN (Germany, http://www.dk3wn.info/p)
- EU1XX (Belarus)
- IK8OZV (Italy)
- IW0HLG (Italy, https://plus.google.com/u/0/110519837185055502509)
- JA0CAW (Japan, ja0caw-je0mzi.mo-blog.jp)
- JA1GDE (Japan, Twitter : @JA1GDE)
- JA5BLZ (Japan, https://twitter.com/JA5BLZ)
- JA6PEL (Japan, http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hamradio/je9pel/tritouwe.htm)
- JA6PL (Japan, http://ja6pl.cocolog-nifty.com/blog)
- JE1CVL - (Japan, http://heiseiturezuregusa.blog.ocn.ne.jp/)
- JE9PEL - (Japan, http://wakky.asablo.jp/blog/)
- JO1PTD(Japan, http://yutoribito.cocolog-nifty.com/ham/2014/05/post-2554.html)
- LU4EOU (Argentina, http://lu4eou.blogspot.com.ar/)
- ON4HF (Belgium, https://twitter.com/ON4HF/status/440227584790384640/photo/1)
- PA2EON (Netherlands, http://www.pa2eon.nl)
- PE0SAT (Netherlands, http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl)
- PY4ZBZ (Brazil, http://www.qsl.net/py4zbz/uwe.htm)
- Rainer Rothe (Germany)
- R4UAB (Russia, http://r4uab.ru/)
- SP7THR - (Poland)
- ST2NH (Sudan, http://st2nh-blogger.blogspot.de/search/label/uwe-3)
- VK5HI (Australia)
Help us collect data from UWE-3
We want to encourage all radio amateurs to send us the received signals from UWE-3. We know the great commitment of the radio community and would like to integrate you into our UWE-3 mission. UWE-3 is sending beacons regularly (initially every minute). They contain housekeeping data, like temperature on-board or solar cell current. All data is sent over the AX.25 protocol.
The nominal frequency of UWE-3 is 437.385 MHz, the signals are modulated 9600 baud GMSK.
Please use the UWE-3 Telemtry Online Decoder from DK3WN to upload the received signals to our server: http://www.dk3wn.info/software.shtml