Prof. Dr. Dan Necsulescu

Prof. Dr. Dan Necsulescu
Director, Engineering Management Program and Full professor, Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, PEng
Prof. Dr. Dan Necsulescu received his Ph.D. Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and Licentiate in Philosophy from the University of Bucharest in Romania. He has a rich history in terms of professional experience and has served long durations in the industry and academia. He has also supervised over 25 masters and 4 doctoral candidates. He has numerous publications in reputed journals and conferences and two of his most recent books are titled 'Advanced Mechatronics' published by World Scientific in 2009 and 'Mechatronics' published by Prentice Hall in 2002. As visiting professor at the Department of Robotics and Telematics, he currently offers an intensive course titled 'Formations of Ground and Air Vehicles'.
[Course Content: Formations of Ground and Air Vehicles] [Course References]
Professional experience
1994-2010 Director, Engineering Management Program, University of Ottawa
1990-1993 Chairperson, Department of Mechanical engineering, University of Ottawa
1985-1990 Director, Engineering Management Program, University of Ottawa
1994-2010 Professor, Department of Mechanical engineering, University of Ottawa
1984-1993 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical engineering, Univ. of Ottawa
1980-1984 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical engineering, Univ. of Ottawa
1980 Nuclear Design Engineer, Ontario Hydro, Toronto
1975-1979 Senior Design Engineer, Power System Study & Design Institute, Romania
1967-1975 Design and Research Engineer, Power System Study & Design Institute, Romania
Scholarly and professional activities
2000 Member of the Accreditation Committee for Mechanical Eng, Université Laval.
2001 Member of the FCAR Committee for Aeronautics and Manufacturing, Montreal.
2002 Member of Accreditation Committee for Production Eng, ETS
2003 Member of Evaluation Committee for FQRNT, Montreal
2004 Member of Evaluation Committee NSERC Industrial Chair, Montreal
2005 President Comité d'évaluation Programme Nouveaux Chercheurs- Fonds Nature et Technologie, Montreal
2007-2008 Memeber of Comité d'évaluation Programme Nouveaux Chercheurs- Fonds Nature et Technologie, Montreal
2009 Member of Editorial Board of the Transactions of the Wessex Institute.
2009-2010 Co-chair in for the 12th International Symposium on Robotics and Applications held as one of the symposiums of World Automation Congress in Kobe, Japan, September 19-23, 2010
Contact Details
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario,
770 King Edward Ave. K1N 6N5
Phone 613 562 5800/6170, Fax 612 562 5177,
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