Programme overview
Aerospace informatics is a Master's degree programme (M.Sc.) at the university of Würzburg. Students acquire interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in physics, eletronics, mathematics, engineering and computer science to solve challenging aerospace and space science tasks. The programme has been offered since 2020.
Research and work language

The international common language for aerospace science is English. Data sheets, subsystems and other aerospace components are mostly only developed in English. International working groups, cooperations and conferences are conducted in English and most literature is only available in English. There is a high probability that your future work environment, e.g. in the aerospace industry or in a satellite control center, will also be predominantly English-speaking. Therefore it is crucial that graduates of this programme are fluent with the english jargon. The programme itself is also partially only taught in English.

After their graduation students have the following expertises.
- Comprehension of the relationship of aerospace technology to its applications
- Ability to apply the subject area's knowledge and scientific methods
- Acquired the skills to successfully transition into work and research activities. These include:
- An understanding of the electronic equipment of an aircraft, and the abilitiy to analyse, design, develop, implement and test it
- Develop software for autonomous and telematics aerospace systems and aircraft control algorithms
- Analyse satellite orbits, model constraints and perturbations and design mission orbits
- Plan, design and implement space missions. You should be able to define mission constraints and derive and develop the necessary satellite subsystems
- Integrate payloads (sensors and instruments) into a satellite mission
- Implement satellite attitude and orbital control algorithms that adhere to the mission constraints
- Design telecommunication systems with various timing and delay constraints
- Develop communication protocols to remote control space probes
- Design and develop various spacecraft systems (e.g., for remote monitoring, planetary landing systems, planetary rovers and surveys)
- Realize remote monitoring and planetary survey application with knowledge aerospace engineering
The University of Würzburg

The Julius-Maximilians University of Würzburg (JMU) offers over 250 degree programmes to over 28,000 students and is one of the top 200 universities worldwide. The Master's degree programme Aerospace Informatics is being offered by the Institute of Computer Science. The institute ist home to a wide variety of different chairs and research groups that focus on areas such as artificial intelligence, human computer interaction, data science, software engineering, robotics, communication networks. it is located at the Campus Hubland in Würzburg.