Start of studies
Introductory events and courses

Bridge course
Begin your study programme well prepared and don't miss the programming bridge course
First semester days
Series of informational events with the dean of studies, the course advisors and the programme coordinators
Course directory (Faculty)
Course directory (WueStudy)
Advisory services

Checklist for new students
Information provided by the central academic advistory service
Central academic advisory service
Comprehensive consulting opportunities for all questions not directly related to a degree programme. They also speak English!
Course advisory service
For questions specific to any of the computer science degree programmes
Points of contact for other questions
Exams and regulations

Examination office
Forms to register a thesis, documents for your past exams and grades, and much more
Credit transfer
Description of the process for a credit transfer when you change programmes
Subject-specific provisions and list of modules
Basis for the contents and regulations of your degree programme
General academic and examination regulations for Bachelor's and Master's programmes (ASPO) as well as for teaching degrees (LASPO)