Technical Reports
Institut für Informatik
Universität Würzburg
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2017[ to top ]
Mars Base 2030. Technical Report (500), . . 2017.
Declare 2017 – Conference on Declarative Programming. Technical Report (499), . . Institut für Informatik, 2017.
2016[ to top ]
Discrete-Time Analysis: Deriving the Distribution of the Number of Events in an Arbitrarily Distributed Interval. Technical Report (498), . . 2016.
2015[ to top ]
Wikipedia and its Network of Human and Automated Authors from a Social Network Perspective. Technical Report (494), . . 2015.
A Survey of Cloud Services and Potential Applications of Social Awareness. Technical Report (496), . . 2015.
ITF1788: An Interval Testframework for IEEE 1788. Technical Report (495), . . 2015.
Agile Management of Software Based Networks. Technical Report (493), . . 2015.
2014[ to top ]
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE). Technical Report (492), . . Department of Computer Science, 2014.
Second Interim Report for the DFG Project FunkOFDMA. Technical Report (489), . . Department of Computer Science, 2014.
Crowdsourced subjective user study results on QoE influence factors of HTTP Adaptive Streaming. Technical Report (491), . . 2014.
A Survey on Quality of Experience of HTTP Adaptive Streaming. Technical Report (490), . . 2014.
Moon Base 2030. Technical Report (497), . . 2014.
2013[ to top ]
Performance Analysis of the Trade-off Between Signalling Load and Power Consumption for Popular Smartphone Apps in 3G Networks. Technical Report (485), . . Department of Computer Science, 2013.
CrowdTesting: A Novel Methodology for Subjective User Studies and QoE Evaluation. Technical Report (486), . . Department of Computer Science, 2013.
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE). Technical Report (487), . . Department of Computer Science, 2013.
A Compass through SDN networks. Technical Report (488), . . Department of Computer Science, 2013.
2012[ to top ]
Research Report On Signaling Load and Tunnel Management in a 3G Core Network. Technical Report (484), . . Department of Computer Science, 2012.
2011[ to top ]
Generative Programming for Automatic Differentiation in C++0x. Technical Report (483), . . Department of Computer Science, 2011.
Transport Protocol Influences on YouTube QoE. Technical Report (482), . . Department of Computer Science, 2011.
Tor is Unfair - and What to Do About It. Technical Report (481), . . Department of Computer Science, 2011.
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The Complexity of Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems and its Relation to Multivalued Functions. Technical Report (480), . . Department of Computer Science, 2011.
Performance Comparison of Common Server Hardware Virtualization Solutions Regarding the Network Throughput of Virtualized Systems. Technical Report (479), . . Department of Computer Science, 2011.
Human Cloud as Emerging Internet Application - Anatomy of the Microworkers Crowdsourcing Platform. Technical Report (478), . . Department of Computer Science, 2011.
2010[ to top ]
Global Locator, Local Locator, and Identifier Split (GLI-Split). Technical Report (470), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
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Fine Hierarchies via Priestley Duality. Technical Report (466), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
YoMo: A YouTube Application Comfort Monitoring Tool. Technical Report (467), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
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PCN-Based Marked Flow Termination. Technical Report (469), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
Applicability of PCN-Based Admission Control. Technical Report (468), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
Measurement-based Topology and Performance Investigations of D-A-CH Research Networks. Technical Report (473), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
A Policy-Based Vertical Handover System. Technical Report (471), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
Mapping Systems for Loc/ID Split Internet Routing. Technical Report (472), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
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Integrating Time-Stamped Synchronization into a Periodical MAC Protocol - Problems and Experiences. Technical Report (477), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
Cheat-Detection Mechanisms for Crowdsourcing. Technical Report (474), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
KESE: tth Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering. Technical Report (475), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
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Interval Comparisons and Lattice Operations based on the Interval Overlapping Relation. Technical Report (476), . . Department of Computer Science, 2010.
2009[ to top ]
Statistic-Based Routing (SBR). Technical Report (453), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
Influence of Packet Re-ordering on Concurrent Multipath Transmissions for Transport Virtualization. Technical Report (452), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
Max-Min Fair Throughput in Multi-Gateway Multi-Rate Mesh Networks. Technical Report (454), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
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Analysis of Radio Signal Parameters for Calibrating RSSI Localization Systems. Technical Report (455), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
An Analytical Model for the Evaluation of the Information Processing in Multi-Probe Networks. Technical Report (456), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
Usability Assessment of Knowledge-Based Consultation Systems. Technical Report (457), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
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Extended Desynchronization for Multi-Hop Topologies. Technical Report (460), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
Towards Rapid Knowledge Capture using Textual Subgroup Mining for Rule Prototyping. Technical Report (458), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
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Pushing the Performance of Biased Neighbor Selection through Biased Unchoking. Technical Report (459), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
Proceedings of the 5th workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2009). Technical Report (461), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
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Improved and Derandomized Approximations for Two-Criteria Metric Traveling Salesman. Technical Report (462), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
An Extensible Architecture for Wiki-Enabled Semantic Data Mining. Technical Report (463), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
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Measurement of BitTorrent Swarms and their AS Topologies. Technical Report (464), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
NP-Complete Ranges of Counting Functions of Nondeterministic Finite Automata. Technical Report (465), . . Department of Computer Science, 2009.
2008[ to top ]
JaML: XML Representation of Java source code. Technical Report (445), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
(r,p)-Centroid Problems on Paths and Trees.. Technical Report (441), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
The Shrinking Property for NP and coNP.. Technical Report (440), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
Testing the IQX Hypothesis for Exponential Interdependency between QoS and QoE of Voice Codecs iLBC and G.711. Technical Report (442), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
Source Code Model Hierarchies. Technical Report (444), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
Multiobjective Disk Cover Admits a PTAS. Technical Report (443), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
Investigation of chunk selection strategies in peer-assisted video-on-demand systems. Technical Report (446), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
Conjunctive grammars with restricted disjuction. Technical Report (447), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
Proceedings of LWA 2008 (Lernen, Wissen, Adaptivität). Technical Report (448), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
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The Case of Network Virtualization: Concurrent Multipath Transmissions within Routing Overlays. Technical Report (449), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
A Survey on Usability Evaluation Techniques and an Analysis of their actual Application. Technical Report (450), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
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On the Usability of Genetic Algorithms for Wireless Mesh Network Planning and Optimization. Technical Report (451), . . Department of Computer Science, 2008.
2007[ to top ]
Performance Comparison of HSDPA Transmit Power Allocation Schemes in UMTS Networks.. Technical Report (411), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Relying on Randomness - PlanetLab Experiments with Distributed File-sharing Protocols.. Technical Report (407), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Performance Evaluation of a Reliable Content Mediation Platform in the Emerging Future Internet.. Technical Report (408), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Source Traffic Characterization for Thin Client Based Office Applications.. Technical Report (406), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Failure-Specific Self-Protecting Multipaths: Increased Capacity Savings or Overengineering?.. Technical Report (420), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Overview of Resilience Mechanisms Based on Multipath Structures.. Technical Report (421), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Discrete-Time Algorithms for Flow-Level Simulation of Data Networks.. Technical Report (416), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Estimating Churn in Structured P2P Overlay Networks.. Technical Report (404), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
A Model for Time-Efficient HSDPA Simulations.. Technical Report (414), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Improving the Performance and Robustness of Kademlia-based Overlay Networks.. Technical Report (405), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
A Novel Performance Model for the HSDPA with Adaptive Resource Allocation.. Technical Report (409), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Accuracy and Dynamics of Multi-Stage Load Balancing for Multipath Internet Routing.. Technical Report (419), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Performance of Header Compression for VoIP in Wireless LANs.. Technical Report (403), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Satisfiability of Algebraic Circuits over Sets of Natural Numbers.. Technical Report (402), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Relaxed Voting and Competitive Location on Trees under Monotonuos Gain Functions.. Technical Report (401), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Logspace Mitoticity.. Technical Report (400), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Mobile P2P Applications in Infrastructure-based Mobile Networks.. Technical Report (398), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
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SNoW5:a modular platform for sophisticated real-time wireless sensor networking.. Technical Report (399), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
P2P-based Network and Service Operation for the Emerging Future Internet.. Technical Report (397), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
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Impact of HSDPA Radio Resource Allocation Schemes on the System Performance of UMTS Networks.. Technical Report (410), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Peer-to-Peer vs. Client/Server: Reliability and Efficiency of a Content Distribution Service.. Technical Report (422), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
On the Code and Soft Capacity of the UMTS FDD Downlink and the Capacity Increase by using a Secondary Scrambling Code.. Technical Report (413), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Fine Hierarchies and m-Reducibilities in Theoretical Computer Science.. Technical Report (430), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
A New Perspective on the Unfair Channel Access Phenomenon in Wireless Local Area Networks.. Technical Report (439), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
On the Complexity of Budgeted Maximum Path Coverage on Trees.. Technical Report (438), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
False Positives and NP-Hard Sets.. Technical Report (435), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
A Linear Time Algorithm for Absolute Optima under Monotonous Gain Functions on Trees.. Technical Report (433), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Comparison of Marking Algorithms for PCN-Based Admission Control.. Technical Report (437), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Complexity of Topological Properties of Regular omega-Languages.. Technical Report (436), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Proceedings INAP / WLP 2007.. Technical Report (434), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Efficient Algorithms for Membership in Boolean Hierarchies of Regular Languages.. Technical Report (429), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Trends in Network and Service Operation for the Emerging Future Internet.. Technical Report (431), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
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The Effect of Combining Loop-Free Alternates and Not-Via Addresses in IP Fast Reroute.. Technical Report (432), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Impact of Vertical Handovers on Cooperative Content Distribution Systems.. Technical Report (428), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Integer SPM: Intelligent Path Selection for Resilient Network.. Technical Report (417), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Optimization of the Self-Protecting Multipath for Deployment in Legacy Networks.. Technical Report (418), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Robust IP Link Costs for Multilayer Resilience .. Technical Report (427), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Impact of Energy Models on Energy Efficient Sensor Network Routing.. Technical Report (415), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Towards a Formal Framework for Multi-Agent Simulation Models.. Technical Report (412), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
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Quantification of Quality of Experience for Edge-Based Applications.. Technical Report (423), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Source Models for Speech Traffic Revisited.. Technical Report (426), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
Efficiency of Routing and Resilience Mechanisms in Packet-Switched Networks.. Technical Report (425), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
SNoW BAT: A high precise WSN based location system.. Technical Report (424), . . Department of Computer Science, 2007.
2006[ to top ]
Zusammenfalten des Postschen Verbandes mittels Operationen aus binären Booleschen Funktionen.. Technical Report (386), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
A Self-Organizing Concept for Distributed End-to-End Quality Monitoring.. Technical Report (378), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Experience-Based Admission Control with Type-Specific Overbooking.. Technical Report (382), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Throughput Comparison of Professional JMS Servers.. Technical Report (380), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Performance of Experience-Based Admission Control in the Presence of Traffic Changes.. Technical Report (381), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
The Complexity of Disjoint Unions.. Technical Report (384), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
A Novel Approach to Verify End-to-End Connectivity in an Autonomic Way.. Technical Report (383), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Comparison of Robust Cooperation Strategies for P2P Content Distribution Networks with Multiple Source Download.. Technical Report (385), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation: Impact of Routing and Load Balancing on Tunnel Capacity Requirements.. Technical Report (379), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
An Analytical Model for Best-Effort Traffic over the UMTS Enhanced Uplink.. Technical Report (388), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
An Evolutionary Algorithm for the Layout of UML Class Diagrams.. Technical Report (391), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Fine Hierarchy of Regular Aperiodic omega-Languages.. Technical Report (390), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Non-Mitotic Sets.. Technical Report (389), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Generating maximal spanning forests for some geometric graph classes.. Technical Report (393), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Equivalence Problems for Circuits over Sets of Natural Numbers.. Technical Report (392), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Relations between Visual and Textual Representations of Temporal Patterns for Medical Data Abstraction.. Technical Report (394), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
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Classifying omega-Regular Partitions.. Technical Report (396), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
UMTS Load Metrics for a Policy-Based Vertical Handover Framework.. Technical Report (395), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
Feasible Load Regions for different RRM Strategies for the Enhanced Uplink in UMTS Networks.. Technical Report (387), . . Department of Computer Science, 2006.
2005[ to top ]
The Network Utility Function: A Practicable Concept for Assessing Network Impact on Distributed Services.. Technical Report (355), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
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The structure of separator graphs and efficient algorithms for minimal triangulations problems of permutation graphs.. Technical Report (361), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Comparison of Link-by-Link Admission Control and Capacity Overprovisioning.. Technical Report (360), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
The Complexity of the Descriptiveness of Boolean Circuits Over Different Sets of Gates.. Technical Report (357), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
An O(n log n) Heuristic for the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem.. Technical Report (358), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
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Simple Bases for Boolean Co-Clones.. Technical Report (350), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Comparison of Crawling Strategies for an Optimized Mobile P2P Architecture.. Technical Report (356), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
On the Lattice of Clones Below the Polynomial Time Functions.. Technical Report (352), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
A Reducibility that Corresponds to Unbalanced Leaf-Language Classes.. Technical Report (354), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Quantified Constraints: The Complexity of Decision and Counting for Bounded Alternation.. Technical Report (353), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
A P2P-based Framework for Distributed Network Management.. Technical Report (351), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
On the Stochastic Scalability of Information Sharing Platforms.. Technical Report (364), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation: Concepts and Efficiency for Admission-Controlled Capacity Tunnels.. Technical Report (362), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Comparison of Border-to-Border Budget Based Network Admission Control and Capacity Overprovisioning.. Technical Report (359), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation: Impact of Traffic Demand Models for Wide Area Networks.. Technical Report (363), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Leaf Language Classes.. Technical Report (372), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Dimensioning of Hardware Components in UMTS Networks with Sectorized NodeBs.. Technical Report (365), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Measurement and Analysis of Skype VoIP Traffic in 3G UMTS Systems.. Technical Report (377), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Time-Discrete Analysis of the Crawling Strategy in an Optimized Mobile P2P Architecture.. Technical Report (374), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
A Scalable Algorithm to Monitor Chord-based P2P Systems at Runtime.. Technical Report (373), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Machines that can Output Empty Words.. Technical Report (376), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
The Throughput Utility Function: Assessing Network Impact on Mobile Services.. Technical Report (375), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Towards Efficient Simulation of Large Scale P2P Networks.. Technical Report (371), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Evaluation of a Pastry-based P2P Overlay for Supporting Vertical Handover.. Technical Report (368), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
The complexity of problems concerning matrix powers and the numbers of paths in a graph.. Technical Report (369), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Using Kademlia for the Configuration of B3G Radio Access Nodes.. Technical Report (370), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Supporting Vertical Handover by Using a Pastry Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network.. Technical Report (367), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
Impact of Interferers on the Epidemic Diffusion in Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Networks.. Technical Report (366), . . Department of Computer Science, 2005.
2004[ to top ]
Generation Problems.. Technical Report (329), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
A complete characterisation of minimal triangulations of co-square-free graphs.. Technical Report (328), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Playing with Boolean Blocks: Post’s Lattice with Applications to Complexity Theory.. Technical Report (317), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Experience Based Admission Control (EBAC).. Technical Report (325), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
A Framework for Modelling and Solving Discrete Finite Markov Chains.. Technical Report (326), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Elastic Token Bucket - A Traffic Characterization for Time-Limited Bursty Traffic.. Technical Report (324), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Performance of TCP/IP with MEDF Scheduling.. Technical Report (323), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
The Complexity of Satisfiability Problems over Finite Lattices.. Technical Report (314), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Playing with Boolean Blocks: Constraint Satisfaction Problems.. Technical Report (318), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Capacity Assignment for NAC Budgets in Resilient Networks.. Technical Report (319), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Optimization of End-to-End Protection Switching Mechanisms for MPLS Networks.. Technical Report (320), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
An Analytic Model for Deriving the Node-B Transmit Power in Heterogeneous UMTS Networks.. Technical Report (316), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Proceedings of INAP / WLP 2004.. Technical Report (327), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
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Sensitivity of Backup Capacity Requirements to Traffic Distribution and Resilience Constraints.. Technical Report (322), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Counting with Counterfree Automata.. Technical Report (315), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Delay Analysis of a Chord-based Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing System.. Technical Report (332), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Analytic Modelling of the WCDMA Downlink Capacity in Multi-Service Environments.. Technical Report (330), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Self-Protecting Multipaths - A Simple and Resource-Efficient Protection Switching Mechanism for MPLS Networks.. Technical Report (321), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Improving the Timeliness of Rate Measurements.. Technical Report (331), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
An Analytic Method for Coverage Prediction in the UMTS Radio Network Planning Process.. Technical Report (342), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Uplink Blocking Probabilities in Heterogenous WCDMA Networks considering Other-Cell Interference.. Technical Report (333), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Estimating the Size of a Chord Ring.. Technical Report (348), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Simulative Performance Evaluation of a Mobile Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing System.. Technical Report (345), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Mapping of File-Sharing onto Mobile Environments: Enhancement by UMTS.. Technical Report (343), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
An Architecture Concept for Mobile P2P File Sharing Services.. Technical Report (344), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
On the Stability of Chord-based P2P Systems.. Technical Report (347), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Robustness Analysis of the Wireless LAN MAC Protocols with QoS Support.. Technical Report (346), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Some Hierarchies and Reducibilities on Regular Languages.. Technical Report (349), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
A Semi-Analytic Model of the UMTS Downlink Capacity with WWW Traffic on Dedicated Channels.. Technical Report (340), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Information Diffusion in eDonkey Filesharing Networks.. Technical Report (341), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Performance Comparison of Handover Mechanisms in Wireless LAN Networks.. Technical Report (339), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Mapping of File-Sharing onto Mobile Environments: Feasibility and Performance of eDonkey with GPRS.. Technical Report (338), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
New BCSV Theorem.. Technical Report (337), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Membership problems for recurrent systems over the power set of the natural numbers.. Technical Report (336), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
The Complexity of Membership Problems for Circuits over Sets of Integers.. Technical Report (334), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
Network Resilience through Multi-Topology Routing.. Technical Report (335), . . Department of Computer Science, 2004.
2003[ to top ]
Impact of Network Topology on the Performance of Network Admission Control Methods.. Technical Report (308), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
Impact of Resilience Requirements on the Performance of Network Admission Control Methods.. Technical Report (309), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
Impact of Traffic Matrix and Routing on the Performance of Network Admission Control Methods.. Technical Report (307), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
MPLS Traffic Engineering in OSPF Networks - A combined Approach.. Technical Report (304), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
Fair Assignment of Efficient Network Admission Control Budgets.. Technical Report (306), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
A Performance Evaluation Framework for Network Admission Control Methods.. Technical Report (305), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
An Analytic Approximation of the Uplink Capacity in a UMTS Network with Heterogeneous Traffic.. Technical Report (310), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
Polynomial Time Generation Problems.. Technical Report (312), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
Small Bounded-Error Computations and Completeness.. Technical Report (311), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
A Reducibility for the Dot-Depth Hierarchy.. Technical Report (313), . . Department of Computer Science, 2003.
2002[ to top ]
An Approximation of Othercell Interference Distributions for UMTS Systems using Fixed-Point Equations.. Technical Report (292), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
Performance Tradeoffs for Header Compression in MPLS Networks.. Technical Report (291), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
Boolean Functions and Post’s Lattice with Applications to Complexity Theory.. Technical Report (290), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
Decomposition of Large IP Networks for Routing Optimization.. Technical Report (293), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
Diversity Effects on the Soft Handover Gain in UMTS networks.. Technical Report (295), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
A Parallel Algorithm for Color Constancy.. Technical Report (296), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
MEDF - A Simple Scheduling Algorithm for Two Real-Time Transport Service Classes with Application in the UTRAN.. Technical Report (294), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
CSPF Routed and Traffic-Driven Construction of LSP Hierarchies.. Technical Report (297), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
JTransform - A Java Source Code Transformation Framework.. Technical Report (303), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
Recognizing and computing minimal triangulations efficiently.. Technical Report (302), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
Evaluation-Report on the Layout Facilities of UML Tools.. Technical Report (298), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
Ein multiprozessorfähiger Prozessorcore auf FPGA-Basis.. Technical Report (301), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
OntHoS - an Ontology for Hospital Scenarios.. Technical Report (300), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
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Error-bounded probabilistic computations between MA and AM.. Technical Report (299), . . Department of Computer Science, 2002.
2001[ to top ]
Performance Evaluation of Interference and Cell Loading in UMTS Networks.. Technical Report (268), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
A Scalable Protocol Architecture for End-to-End Signaling and Resource Reservation in IP Networks.. Technical Report (278), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
A Generalization of the Büchi-Elgot-Trakhtenbrot Theorem.. Technical Report (271), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Ist P=NP? Einführung in die Theorie der NP-Vollständigkeit.. Technical Report (269), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
The Descriptive Complexity Approach to LOGCFL.. Technical Report (273), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
UMLscript Sprachspezifikation.. Technical Report (272), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
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Relating Automata-theoretic Hierarchies to Complexity-theoretic Hierarchies.. Technical Report (275), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Boolean Hierarchy of Partitions over Reducible Bases.. Technical Report (276), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Partially-ordered Two-way Automata: A New Characterization of DA.. Technical Report (274), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Comprehensive Graphical Description of the STL.. Technical Report (270), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
44. Workshop über Komplexitätstheorie, Datenstrukturen und Effiziente Algorithmen.. Technical Report (277), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Evolution virtueller Pflanzen.. Technical Report (280), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Performance Evaluation of the Extensions for Control Message Retransmissions in RSVP.. Technical Report (288), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
filib++ -Interval Library and Reference Manual.. Technical Report (279), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
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A Graph Theoretical Concept for LSP Hierarchies.. Technical Report (287), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
On the Relative Complexity of Post’s Classes.. Technical Report (286), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Zu Routingflexibilität und Optimierung konfigurierbarer Multiplexer-Netzwerke.. Technical Report (289), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Taskbasierte Positionsverfolgung und Zielsuche autonomer mobiler Roboter.. Technical Report (285), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
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QoS of Internet Access with GPRS.. Technical Report (283), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Analytical Characterization of the Soft Handover Gain in UMTS.. Technical Report (284), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Equivalence Problems for Boolean Constraint Satisfaction.. Technical Report (282), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
Generic Separations and Leaf Languages.. Technical Report (281), . . Department of Computer Science, 2001.
2000[ to top ]
Consequences of the Existence of Sparse Sets Hard for NP under a Subclass of Truth-Table Reductions.. Technical Report (245), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
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Carrying Wireless Traffic over IP Using RTP Multiplexing.. Technical Report (247), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
The Dependence of Internet User Characteristics on Access Speed.. Technical Report (246), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
The Many Faces of a Translation.. Technical Report (248), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Discrete Floorplanning by Multidimensional Pattern Matching.. Technical Report (249), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Concatenation Hierarchies and Forbidden Patterns.. Technical Report (256), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
The Complexity of Problems Defined by Boolean Circuits.. Technical Report (255), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
The Complexity of Base Station Positioning in Cellular Networks.. Technical Report (252), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Analysis of the Short Term Impact of Changes in Product Mix.. Technical Report (254), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Multiagentsystems and Individual-Based Simulation.. Technical Report (253), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
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On the Validity of Approximation Formulae for Machine Downtimes.. Technical Report (250), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Optimal Satisfiability for Propositional Calculi and Constraint Satisfaction Problems.. Technical Report (251), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
The Performance of Multiplexing Voice and Circuit Switched Data in UMTS over IP-Networks.. Technical Report (263), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Types of Separability.. Technical Report (267), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Boolean Partitions and Projective Closure.. Technical Report (266), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Multimedia Architectures and Interval Arithmetic.. Technical Report (265), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
A Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for Base Station Positioning in UMTS Networks.. Technical Report (264), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
On NP-Partitions over Posets with an Application to Reducing the Set of Solutions of NP Problems.. Technical Report (257), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Fast heuristics for optimal routing in large IP networks.. Technical Report (262), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Analytic Performance Evaluation of the RED Algorithm for QoS in TCP/IP Networks.. Technical Report (259), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Towards an optimization of the routing parameters for IP networks.. Technical Report (258), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
Visuelles Programmieren als Basis einer Modellierumgebung: Eigenschaften, Konzepte, Anforderungen.. Technical Report (260), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
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Source Traffic Modeling of Wireless Applications.. Technical Report (261), . . Department of Computer Science, 2000.
1999[ to top ]
Finite Automata with Generalized Acceptance Criteria.. Technical Report (221), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Using Simulation and Genetic Algorithms to Improve Cluster Tool Performance.. Technical Report (227), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Generalized Deterministic Languages and their Automata: A Characterization of Restricted Temporal Logic.. Technical Report (226), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Impact of Clustered Traffic Distributions in CDMA Radio Network Planning.. Technical Report (223), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Was leistet die Komplexitätstheorie für die Praxis?. Technical Report (224), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Some Forbidden Patterns in Automata for Dot-Depth One Languages.. Technical Report (220), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
The Complexity of Problems Defined by Subclasses of Boolean Functions.. Technical Report (218), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Uniform Characterizations of Complexity Classes.. Technical Report (222), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Relativizing Function Classes.. Technical Report (219), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
The IAX Architecture: Interval Arithmetic Extension.. Technical Report (225), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Possibilities for QoS in Existing Internet Routing Protocols.. Technical Report (228), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
An approach for the identification of nonlinear, dynamic processes with Kalman Filter-trained recurrent neural structures.. Technical Report (229), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
The Boolean Hierarchy over Dot-Depth 1/2.. Technical Report (230), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
A Numerical Analysis of the M/D^b/N Queueing System.. Technical Report (235), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
On the Autoreducibility of Random Sequences.. Technical Report (239), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Featurebasierte Lokalisation eines autonomen mobilen Roboters - Experimentelle Fallstudie.. Technical Report (244), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
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Languages of Dot-Depth 3/2.. Technical Report (243), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
A note on closure properties of logspace MOD classes.. Technical Report (241), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Boolean Hierarchies inside Dot-Depth One.. Technical Report (240), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Measuring Internet User Traffic Behavior Dependent on Access Speed.. Technical Report (238), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Arithmetic Circuits and Polynomial Replacement Systems.. Technical Report (242), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Performance Comparison of different Class-and-Drop treatment of Data and Acknowledgements in DiffServ IP Networks.. Technical Report (237), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Simulation und Leistungsbewertung von Cluster Tools in der Halbleiterfertigung.. Technical Report (231), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Featurebasierte Lokalisation eines autonomen mobilen Roboters.. Technical Report (234), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
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The Boolean Hierarchy of Partitions.. Technical Report (233), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Approximation Algorithms for Cellular Network Optimization.. Technical Report (232), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
Practical Strategies for Hypotheses Elimination on the Self-Localization Problem.. Technical Report (236), . . Department of Computer Science, 1999.
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1998[ to top ]
Klassifizierung der Nicht-Approximierbarkeit eines Basisstationsproblems mit Interferenzen.. Technical Report (197), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
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The Boolean Hierarchy over Level 1/2 of the Straubing-Therien Hierarchy.. Technical Report (201), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
The Performance of AAL-2 Carrying CDMA Voice Traffic.. Technical Report (199), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Models of WWW-Traffic: a Comparison of Pareto and Logarithmic Histogram Models.. Technical Report (198), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
The Complexity of Computing Optimal Assignments of Generalized Propositional Formulae.. Technical Report (196), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
KBA-D3: Ein wissensbasiertes Diagnose- und Informationssystem für Druckmaschinen.. Technical Report (194), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
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On Boolean Lowness and Boolean Highness.. Technical Report (195), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Code Division Multiple Access wireless network planning considering clustered spatial customer traffic.. Technical Report (192), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Analysis of the Dynamics of CDMA Reverse Link Power Control.. Technical Report (193), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
On High and Low Sets for the Boolean Hierarchy.. Technical Report (191), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Discrete-Time Modeling of the Frame-Based Generic Cell Rate Algorithm.. Technical Report (190), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Spanning Tree Based State Encoding for Low Power Dissipation.. Technical Report (200), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
WIP Evolution of a Semiconductor Factory After a Bottleneck Workcenter Breakdown.. Technical Report (203), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
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Persistent Computations.. Technical Report (217), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
ANDI - Approximation Algorithms for Network Design and Network Improvement.. Technical Report (202), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
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Adaptive Soft-Handoff Thresholds for CDMA Systems with Spatial Traffic.. Technical Report (212), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Interdeparture Time Correlations of the Discrete-time GI/GI/1 Queue.. Technical Report (204), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
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Using Discrete-time Analysis in the Performance Evaluation of Manufacturing.. Technical Report (215), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
A Numerical Framework for Solving Discrete Markov Models Applied to the AAL-2 Protocol.. Technical Report (211), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Ray Tracing Of Parametric Surfaces Based On Adaptive Simplicial Complexes.. Technical Report (213), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
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Effects of Variations in the Available Bandwidth on the Performance of the GFR Service.. Technical Report (214), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
A Normalform for Classes of Concatenation Hierarchies.. Technical Report (216), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Analysis of the departure process of a batch server queueing system.. Technical Report (210), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
On the approximability of problems for cellular networks.. Technical Report (208), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
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Performance of the GFR-Service with Constant Available Bandwidth.. Technical Report (207), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Einsatz von topologieerhaltenden neuronalen Netzen zur Interpretation von Leiterplattendaten.. Technical Report (206), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
Blattsprachen und endliche Automaten.. Technical Report (205), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
A Generalized Quantifier Concept in Computational Complexity Theory.. Technical Report (209), . . Department of Computer Science, 1998.
1997[ to top ]
Node Normalization and Decomposition in Low Power Technology Mapping.. Technical Report (166), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
A Decomposition Approach for User-Network Interface Modeling in ATM Networks.. Technical Report (169), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Resource-Based Charging of ATM Connections.. Technical Report (170), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Traffic estimation and characterization for the design of mobile communication networks.. Technical Report (171), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Tableau Methods for Computing Stable Models and Query Answering in Disjunctive Deductive Databases.. Technical Report (167), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
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A Bernoulli Feedback Queue with Batch Service.. Technical Report (168), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Discrete-time Analysis of Batch Servers with Bounded Idle Time and Two Job Classes.. Technical Report (162), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
A parallel hybrid approach to hard optimization problems.. Technical Report (163), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
On the Spatial Multiplexing Gain of SDMA for Wireless Local Loop Access.. Technical Report (161), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Unfolding in Disjunctive Deductive Databases with respect to 3-Valued Stable Models.. Technical Report (165), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
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Hybrid Weighted Finite Automata for image and video compression.. Technical Report (160), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
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Analysis of a Queueing Model with Delayed Feedback and its Application to the ABR Flow Control.. Technical Report (164), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Approximate Flow Time Distribution of a Queue with Batch Service.. Technical Report (174), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
On Cluster Machines and Function Classes.. Technical Report (172), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
TEMPLATE: a generic TEchnology Mapping PLATform.. Technical Report (186), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
A Note on Parallel Queries and the Difference Hierarchy.. Technical Report (173), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
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Approximative Representation of boolean Functions by size controllable ROBDD’s.. Technical Report (182), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Carrying CDMA Traffic over ATM Using AAL-2: A Performance Study.. Technical Report (188), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Gültigkeitsmetriken für animierte gerenderte Szenen in der Echtzeitcomputergraphik.. Technical Report (175), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
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The Performance of Base Station Interconnection Alternatives in CDMA Networks.. Technical Report (189), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
OMT-Script - eine Programmiersprache für objektorientierten Entwurf.. Technical Report (187), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
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Measurement and Modeling of WWW-Sessions.. Technical Report (184), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Matching a Boolean Function against a Set of Functions.. Technical Report (185), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Objektorientierte Programmierung im wissenschaftlichen Rechnen.. Technical Report (181), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Implementierung und Test neuartiger Zufallszahlengeneratoren.. Technical Report (180), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Bounding Queries in the Analytic Polynomial-Time Hierarchy.. Technical Report (178), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Relating Polynomial Time to Constant Depth.. Technical Report (179), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Demand-based Radio Network Planning of Cellular Mobile Communication Systems.. Technical Report (177), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
A Memory Markov Chain Model For VBR Traffic With Strong Positive Correlations.. Technical Report (176), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
Uniformly Defining Complexity Classes of Functions.. Technical Report (183), . . Department of Computer Science, 1997.
1996[ to top ]
A Note on the Power of Quasipolynomial Size Circuits.. Technical Report (140), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Efficient call handling procedures in cellular mobile networks.. Technical Report (144), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Performance Analysis of Link Carrying Capacity in CDMA Systems.. Technical Report (145), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Künstliche Neuronale Netze für die Wegoptimierung in ATG Leiterplattentestern.. Technical Report (146), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
A Sharper Complexity Bound for the Robot Localization Problem.. Technical Report (139), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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Analysis of a Rate-Based Control Policy with Delayed Feedback and Variable Bandwidth Availability.. Technical Report (133), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Distributed Implementation of PROLOG on Workstation Clusters.. Technical Report (136), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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Estimation of the Hurst Parameter of Long-Range Dependent Time Series.. Technical Report (137), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Concepts For Optimizing Sinter Processes Using Evolutionary Algorithms.. Technical Report (138), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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Hierarchical Motion Planning Using a Spatial Index.. Technical Report (135), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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Fast Ray-Tracing for Field Strength Prediction in Cellular Mobile Network Planning.. Technical Report (134), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Impact of Customer Clustering on Mobile Network Performance.. Technical Report (143), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Modeling of customer retrial phenomenon in cellular mobile networks.. Technical Report (142), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Two-Moment Analysis of Alternative Tool Models with Random Breakdowns.. Technical Report (141), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
On Weakly Growing Grammars.. Technical Report (155), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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Congestion Detection Methods and their Impact on the Performance of the ABR Flow Control Mechanism.. Technical Report (147), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
On the Approximability of the Selection Problem.. Technical Report (159), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Lifting the Well-Founded Semantics to Disjunctive, Normal Databases.. Technical Report (157), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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Succinct Inputs, Lindström Quantifiers, and a General Complexity Theoretic Operator Concept.. Technical Report (158), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
A Unified Semantical Framework for Deductive Databases.. Technical Report (153), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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TROY - A Tree Oriented Approach to Logic Synthesis and Technology Mapping.. Technical Report (156), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
30. Workshop Komplexitätstheorie, Datenstrukturen und effiziente Algorithmen.. Technical Report (152), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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A Vectorial Well-Founded Semantics for Disjunctive, Deductive Databases.. Technical Report (154), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
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Discrete-time Analysis of a Finite Buffer with VBR MPEG Video Traffic Input.. Technical Report (150), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
Measure One Results in Computational Complexity Theory.. Technical Report (149), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
A Numerical Analysis of the Geo/D/N Queueing System.. Technical Report (151), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
The Analytic Polynomial Time Hierarchy.. Technical Report (148), . . Department of Computer Science, 1996.
1995[ to top ]
Vergleich zweier Analysemethoden zur Leistungsbewertung von Kanban Systemen.. Technical Report (105), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Reducing the Variance of Cycle Times in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems.. Technical Report (109), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Qualifizierende Arbeitsgestaltung mit tutoriellen Expertensystemen für technische Diagnoseaufgaben.. Technical Report (111), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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A note on the Application of Marie’s Method for Queueing Networks with Batch Servers.. Technical Report (110), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Performance Modelling of Pull Manufacturing Systems with Batch Servers and Assembly-like Structure.. Technical Report (108), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Set Management: Synchronization of Prefabricated Parts before Assembly.. Technical Report (106), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Autocorrelation of Cycle Times in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems.. Technical Report (107), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
A New Approach for the Dimensioning of Policing Functions for MPEG-Video Sources in ATM-Systems.. Technical Report (97), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Towards a Channel Allocation Scheme for SDMA-based Mobile Communication Systems.. Technical Report (104), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
A Graphical User Interface For Genetic Algorithms.. Technical Report (98), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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On the Power of Bio-Computers.. Technical Report (103), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Moment Approximation in Product Form Queueing Networks.. Technical Report (102), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Weak Growing Context-Sensitive Grammars.. Technical Report (112), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Statistical Properties of MPEG Video Traffic and their Impact on Traffic Modeling in ATM Systems.. Technical Report (101), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Cell Loss Analysis of Broadband Switching Systems Carrying VBR Video.. Technical Report (99), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
On the Power of Number-Theoretic Operations with Respect to Counting.. Technical Report (100), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Approximate Center Points in Dense Point Sets.. Technical Report (117), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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Finding Tree-2-Spanners.. Technical Report (131), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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Determination of Traffic Parameters for VPs Carrying Delay-Sensitive Traffic.. Technical Report (113), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
On Cycle Times and Interdeparture Times in Semiconductor Manufacturing.. Technical Report (124), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Steady-State Analysis of the Rate-Based Congestion Control Mechanism for ABR Services in ATM Networks.. Technical Report (114), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Results on Fat Objects with a Low Intersection Proportion.. Technical Report (130), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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Asymmetric Coding in (m)-WFA Image Compression.. Technical Report (132), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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A Toolkit of Octave Functions for Discrete-Time Analysis of Queuing Systems.. Technical Report (128), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
On the Approximation of Higher Moments in Open and Closed Fork/Join Primitives with Limited Buffers.. Technical Report (126), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Discrete-Time Approximation of the Machine Repairman Model with Generally Distributed Failure, Repair, and Walking Times.. Technical Report (127), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Hardware Support for Interval Arithmetic - Extended Version.. Technical Report (125), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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Network Buffer Requirements of the Rate-Based Control Mechanism for ABR Services.. Technical Report (129), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
On Type-2 Probabilistic Quantifiers.. Technical Report (123), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Eine ¨Übersicht¨ über medizinische Informationssysteme: Krankenhausinformationssysteme, Patientenaktensysteme und Kritiksysteme.. Technical Report (119), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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On Transfer Blocking and Minimal Blocking in Serial Manufacturing Systems - The Impact of Buffer Allocation.. Technical Report (121), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Simple and Efficient Models for Variable Bit Rate MPEG Video Traffic.. Technical Report (120), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Recurrent Multilayer Perceptrons for Identification and Control: The Road to Applications.. Technical Report (118), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Konzepte für ein zuverlässiges Message-Passing-System auf der Basis von UDP.. Technical Report (115), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
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A Petri Net Approach for the Performance Analysis of Business Processes.. Technical Report (116), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
Field Strength Prediction by Ray-Tracing for Adaptive Base Station Positioning in Mobile Communication Networks.. Technical Report (122), . . Department of Computer Science, 1995.
1994[ to top ]
Approximate Analysis of an ATM Multiplexer with MPEG Video Input.. Technical Report (79), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
On Balanced vs. Unbalanced Computation Trees.. Technical Report (82), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Performance Analysis of Source Policing Architectures in ATM Systems.. Technical Report (81), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Using Kanban in a Semiconductor Fabrication Environment - a Simulation Study.. Technical Report (80), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
A Criterion to Separate Complexity Classes by Oracles.. Technical Report (76), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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Combining KARL and Configurable Role Limiting Methods for Configuring Elevator Systems.. Technical Report (78), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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Analysis of the Generic Cell Rate Algorithm Monitoring ON/OFF-Traffic.. Technical Report (77), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Output Process Analysis of the Peak Cell Rate Monitor Algorithm.. Technical Report (75), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Complexity Classes Defined via k-valued Functions.. Technical Report (84), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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Entwicklung von ¨Due-Date¨-Warteschlangendisziplinen zur Optimierung von Produktionssystemen.. Technical Report (83), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
On Simple Closure Properties of #P.. Technical Report (90), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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Locally Definable Acceptance: Closure Properties, Associativity, Finiteness.. Technical Report (85), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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Sojourn Time Distribution of the Asymmetric M/M/1//N - System with LCFS-PR Service.. Technical Report (94), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Recognition of Nonregular Languages by Finite Groupoids.. Technical Report (96), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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Delivery of MPEG Video Services over ATM .. Technical Report (86), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Performance Analysis of the Dual Cell Spacer in ATM Systems.. Technical Report (95), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Recursion Theoretic Characterizations of Complexity Classes of Counting Functions.. Technical Report (91), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Optimal Synthesis of Fanoutfree Functions.. Technical Report (93), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Optimal Technology Mapping for Single Output Cells.. Technical Report (92), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Finite Acceptance Type Classes.. Technical Report (89), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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Artificial Neural Networks Used for Way Optimization in Multi-Head Systems in Application to Electrical Flying Probe Testers.. Technical Report (88), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
Kritik von Symptomerkennung in einem Hypertext-Dokument.. Technical Report (87), . . Department of Computer Science, 1994.
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1993[ to top ]
Mapping Dynamic Data and Algorithm Structures on Product Networks.. Technical Report (65), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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The complexity of finding middle elements.. Technical Report (53), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Analysis of machine breakdown models.. Technical Report (54), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Optimal dynamic embeddings of arbitrary trees in de Bruijn networks.. Technical Report (55), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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Dimensioning of a peak cell rate monitor algorithm using discrete-time analysis.. Technical Report (59), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Message-passing auf transputer-systemen.. Technical Report (57), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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Basic concepts and performance of high-speed protocols.. Technical Report (58), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Performance analysis of a batch service system working with a combined push/pull control.. Technical Report (61), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
On different reducibility notions for function classes.. Technical Report (62), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
The variable membership problem: Succinctness versus complexity.. Technical Report (60), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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Analysis of two finite queues coupled by a triggering scheduler.. Technical Report (56), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Incomplete Hypercubes: Embeddings of Tree-Related Networks.. Technical Report (64), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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A Comparison of Models for VBR Video Traffic Sources in B-ISDN.. Technical Report (72), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Discrete-Time Analysis Technique and Application to Usage Parameter Control Modelling in ATM Systems.. Technical Report (74), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Reducing the Variance of Sojourn Times in Queueing Networks with Overtaking.. Technical Report (73), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Optimal Communication Primitives on the Folded Petersen Networks.. Technical Report (71), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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Folded Petersen Cube Networks: New Competitors for the Hyepercubes.. Technical Report (63), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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Embeddings of Tree-Related Topologies in Hyper Petersen Networks.. Technical Report (70), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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Growing Context-Sensitive Languages and Automata.. Technical Report (69), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
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Pascalli-P.. Technical Report (68), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
Discrete-Time Analysis of a Cyclic Service System with Gated Limited Service.. Technical Report (67), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
A Discrete-Time Analysis of Cell Spacing in ATM Systems.. Technical Report (66), . . Department of Computer Science, 1993.
1992[ to top ]
On growing context-sensitive languages.. Technical Report (38), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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Alternating machines using partially defined ``AND’’ and ``OR’’ .. Technical Report (39), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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An analysis of multi-service systems with trunk reservation mechanisms.. Technical Report (40), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
Cost-bounded paths in networks of pipes with valves.. Technical Report (42), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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On a generalization of the bellman-ford-algorithm for acyclic graphs.. Technical Report (41), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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Autocorrelation and power density spectrum of ATM multiplexer output processes.. Technical Report (43), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
Multi-service broadband systems with CBR and VBR input traffic.. Technical Report (44), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
Performance of a neural net scheduler used in packet switching interconnection networks.. Technical Report (45), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
Vector language: Simple description of hard instances.. Technical Report (46), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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On dynamic and modular embeddings into hyper de Bruijn networks.. Technical Report (49), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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Kommentierte Syntaxdiagramme für C++.. Technical Report (47), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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A kernel for function definable classes and its relations to lowness.. Technical Report (48), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
An intelligent tutoring system for classification problem solving.. Technical Report (50), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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Artificial neural net applications in telecommunication systems.. Technical Report (52), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
COKE: Efficient solving of complex assignment problems with the propose-and-exchange method.. Technical Report (51), . . Department of Computer Science, 1992.
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1991[ to top ]
Communication network routing using neural nets - numerical aspects and alternative approaches.. Technical Report (30), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Confluence of one-rule Thue systems.. Technical Report (24), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
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A layered description of ATM cell traffic streams and correlation analysis.. Technical Report (25), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Multi server batch service systems in push and pull operating mode - a performance comparison.. Technical Report (26), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Performance analysis of a batch service system operating in pull mode.. Technical Report (27), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Locally definable acceptance types-the three valued case.. Technical Report (28), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
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Classes of counting functions and complexity theoretic operators.. Technical Report (31), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Locally definable acceptance types for polynomial time machines.. Technical Report (29), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
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Queueing analysis of resource dispatching and scheduling in multi-media systems.. Technical Report (33), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Analysis of a batch service system with two heterogeneous servers.. Technical Report (34), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Complexity of functions versus complexity of sets.. Technical Report (35), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Structure and performance of neural nets in broadband system admission control.. Technical Report (37), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
Discrete-time analysis of the output process of an ATM multiplexer with periodic input.. Technical Report (36), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
On complexity classes and algorithmically random languages.. Technical Report (32), . . Department of Computer Science, 1991.
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1990[ to top ]
Analysis of a finite capacity a synchronous multiplexer with periodic sources.. Technical Report (14), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
A transformation system for chain code picture languages: Properties and algorithms.. Technical Report (10), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
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A discrete-time analysis of the DQDB access protocol with general input traffic.. Technical Report (11), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
On the power of uniform families of constant depth threshold circuits.. Technical Report (12), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
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Using inductive counting to simulate nondeterministic computation.. Technical Report (13), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
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Performance analysis of a batch service queue arising out of manufacturing systems modeling.. Technical Report (16), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
Quasi-stationary analysis of a finite capacity asynchronous multiplexer with modulated deterministic input.. Technical Report (17), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
Structure and importance of logspace- MOD -classes.. Technical Report (15), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
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Analysis of polling systems with general input process and finite capacity.. Technical Report (19), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
Complexity and approximation theoretical properties of rational functions which map two intervals into two other ones.. Technical Report (18), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
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WUMPS Würzburger message passing system.. Technical Report (20), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
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Influences of multiple priorities on DQDB protocol performance.. Technical Report (22), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
On random oracle separations.. Technical Report (21), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
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Performance analysis of the CRMA-protocol in high-speed networks.. Technical Report (23), . . Department of Computer Science, 1990.
1989[ to top ]
9. Workshop über Komplexitätstheorie, effiziente Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen.. Technical Report (9), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
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Die Vektor-Sprache: Einfachste Mittel zur kompakten Beschreibung endlicher Objekte.. Technical Report (7), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
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Vektor-Reduzierbarkeit.. Technical Report (8), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
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Approximate performance analysis of the DQDB access protocol.. Technical Report (6), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
A note on the power of threshold circuits.. Technical Report (5), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
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Bounded query classes.. Technical Report (1), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
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Number-of-query hierarchies.. Technical Report (4), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
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Application of the discrete transforms in performance modeling and analysis.. Technical Report (2), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
Relations among mod-classes.. Technical Report (3), . . Department of Computer Science, 1989.
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