Games Engineering

VIA-VR Version 0.3.1 Released – Download Now!


We’re excited to announce the release of the latest version of VIA-VR (0.3.1)! VIA-VR is a technology platform designed to create immersive virtual reality experiences for the medical domain.

We’re excited to announce the release of the latest version of VIA-VR (0.3.1)! VIA-VR is a technology platform designed to create immersive virtual reality experiences for the medical domain. It enables medical professionals to develop VR-based therapeutic and training applications without requiring programming skills. The platform supports a wide range of healthcare use cases, including cognitive training, exposure therapy, and sensorimotor rehabilitation.


  • New: added German version (3rd party software is not translated)
  • Improved installer speed and reliability
  • Updated dependencies to fix vulnerabilities
  • Multiple bug fixes and improvements

You can download the new version from our website:

Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy the new version of VIA-VR!