ATHEN (Info. Extraction)
Annotation and Text Highlighting ENvironment (ATHEN)

ATHEN is a project which origins from the project Kallimachos. Its is an environment to support an annotator in a textmining project. ATHEN offers specialized support to quickly solve the following tasks:
- Named Entity Resolution
- Coreference Resoution
- Constituency Parsing
- Part of speech tagging
- Chunking
- Direct Speech Annotation
- Speaker and adressee hihglighting
- Scene annotation
- Information extraction using lightweight ontologies
- Interactive creation of light-weight ontologies
However due to the underlying Apache UIMA Framework one can use ATHEN to mark any kind of annotation, defined in your own UIMA typesystem.
ATHEN is written in Java and designed as a Plug-in project using the Eclipse 4 RCP-Framework. In its core it makes use of Apache UIMA.
The code is currently hosted on Gitlab, for a stable version for your platform, please contact Markus Krug