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Computer Science XI - Modeling and Simulation

Presentation at Winter Simulation Conference 2024


Our colleague, Daniel Bayer, presented our paper titled "Analyzing the Impact of Electric Vehicles on Local Energy Systems using Digital Twins" at the esteemed Winter Simulation Conference in Orlando, Florida.

Given the challenge of obtaining mobility data at the individual car level, integrating mobility demand—especially for EV charging—into an existing digital twin of a local energy system is complex. This digital twin must accurately reflect all existing system components, including demand and feed-in time series, with a high degree of fidelity.

Our paper proposes a novel approach that combines a digital twin of a local energy system with a mobility demand simulation tool. We evaluate the impact of 100% EV home charging on the local energy system, considering the additional factors of rooftop photovoltaic installations and battery storage systems.

You can read the preprint on a preprint server.

Details regarding the conference program can be found on the official conference website.

The two authors of this publication are Daniel Bayer and Marco Pruckner.