Recent Publications
2024[ to top ]
Estimating the seasonal performance and electricity consumption of retrofitted heat pumps. . In Data-Centric Engineering, 5, p. e39-. Cambridge University Press, 2024.
Data-driven heat pump retrofit analysis in residential buildings: Carbon emission reductions and economic viability. . In Applied Energy, 373, p. 123823. Elsevier BV, 2024.
Evaluating Water-Energy Nexus related Water Saving Potentials of Residential Households with Solar PV and Electric Storage. . In Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, of BuildSys ’24, pp. 159–163. Association for Computing Machinery, Hangzhou, China, 2024.
Lightweight Smart Charging vs. Immediate Charging with Buffer Storage: Towards a Simulation Study for Electric Vehicle Grid Integration at Workplaces. . In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, of WSC ’23, pp. 922–933. IEEE Press, 2024.
Electricity Demand Forecasting in Future Grid States: A Digital Twin-Based Simulation Study. . In 2024 9th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), pp. 1–6. IEEE, 2024.
Analyzing the Impact of Electric Vehicles on Local Energy Systems Using Digital Twins. . In 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pp. 738–749. 2024.
Benchmarking Aggregation-Disaggregation Pipelines for Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles. . In Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems, of e-Energy ’24, pp. 84–96. Association for Computing Machinery, Singapore, 2024.
2023[ to top ]
A digital twin of a local energy system based on real smart meter data. . In Energy Informatics, 6(1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023.
Battery Management System for On-Board Data-Driven State of Health Estimation for Aviation and Space Applications. . In 2023 IEEE Space Computing Conference (SCC), pp. 92–100. IEEE, 2023.
State of health estimation of lithium-ion batteries with a temporal convolutional neural network using partial load profiles. . In Applied Energy, 329, p. 120307. 2023.
A Large Scale Simulation of the Electrification Effects of SAVs. . In Smart Energy for Smart Transport, E. G. Nathanail, N. Gavanas, G. Adamos (eds.), pp. 115–124. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham, 2023.
OMOD: An open-source tool for creating disaggregated mobility demand based on OpenStreetMap. . In Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 106, p. 102029. Elsevier BV, 2023.
The demand potential of shared autonomous vehicles: a large-scale simulation using mobility survey data. . In Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1–22. Informa UK Limited, 2023.
Modeling of Annual and Daily Electricity Demand of Retrofitted Heat Pumps based on Gas Smart Meter Data. . In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, of BuildSys ’23. ACM, 2023.
Generalized State of Health Estimation Approach based on Neural Networks for Various Lithium-Ion Battery Chemistries. . In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, of e-Energy ’23. ACM, 2023.
Residential photovoltaic and energy storage systems for sustainable development: An economic analysis applied to incentive mechanisms. . In Sustainable Development. Wiley, 2023.
2022[ to top ]
Enhancing the Performance of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Controlling HVAC Systems. . In 2022 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech), pp. 187–194. 2022.
Modeling and Simulation to Improve Real Electric Vehicles Charging Processes by Integration of Renewable Energies and Buffer Storage. . In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pp. 867–878. 2022.
Simulation and analysis of a Carnot Battery consisting of a reversible heat pump/organic Rankine cycle for a domestic application in a community with varying number of houses. . In Energy, 261, p. 125166. 2022.
Virtual experiments for battery state of health estimation based on neural networks and in-vehicle data. . In Journal of Energy Storage, 48, p. 103856. Elsevier, 2022.
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Synergy of Unidirectional and Bidirectional Smart Charging of Electric Vehicles for Frequency Containment Reserve Power Provision. . In World Electric Vehicle Journal, 13(9). 2022.
Joint analysis of regional and national power system impacts of electric vehicles - A case study for Germany on the county level in 2030. . In Applied Energy, 315, p. 118945. Elsevier {BV}, 2022.
Feasibility of completely electrified two-way car sharing. . In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), pp. 206–211. 2022.
2021[ to top ]
Frequency Control Reserve Provision from a Fleet of Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles. . In 2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), pp. 1–6. IEEE, 2021.
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Development and Evaluation of a Smart Charging Strategy for an Electric Vehicle Fleet Based on Reinforcement Learning. . In Applied Energy, 285, p. 116382. 2021.
Smart Charging and Renewable Grid Integration - A Case Study Based on Real-Data of the Island of Porto Santo. . In Sustainable Energy for Smart Cities, J. L. Afonso, V. Monteiro, J. G. Pinto (eds.), pp. 200–215. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2021.
Unsupervised data-preprocessing for Long Short-Term Memory based battery model under electric vehicle operation. . In Journal of Energy Storage, 38, p. 102598. 2021.
Benchmarking a Decentralized Reinforcement Learning Control Strategy for an Energy Community. . In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), pp. 385–390. IEEE, 2021.
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Dynamic modeling and sensitivity analysis of a stratified heat storage coupled with a heat pump and an organic rankine cycle. . In 2021 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pp. 1–12. IEEE, 2021.
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A comprehensive study on battery electric modeling approaches based on machine learning. . In DACH Conference on Energy Informatics, 4(3), pp. 1–17. Springer, 2021.
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Analyzing the Charging Flexibility Potential of Different Electric Vehicle Fleets Using Real-World Charging Data. . In Energies, 14(16). 2021.
2020[ to top ]
FlexAbility - Modeling and Maximizing the Bidirectional Flexibility Availability of Unidirectional Charging of Large Pools of Electric Vehicles. . In Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, of e-Energy ’20, p. 121�132. Association for Computing Machinery, Virtual Event, Australia, 2020.
Electric Vehicle Charge Management for Lowering Costs and Environmental Impact. . In 2020 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech), pp. 1–7. 2020.
Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles and the Power Grid: Applications and Research Challenges. . In ISGT-Europe, pp. 1151–1155. IEEE, 2020.
A scenario-based study on the impacts of electric vehicles on energy consumption and sustainability in Alberta. . In Applied Energy, 268, p. 114961. 2020.
Life Cycle Assessment of a Reversible Heat Pump�Organic Rankine Cycle�Heat Storage System with Geothermal Heat Supply. . In Energies, 13(12). 2020.
2019[ to top ]
Sharing of Energy Among Cooperative Households Using Distributed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. . In ISGT Europe, pp. 1–5. IEEE, 2019.
Optimized Integration of Electric Vehicles in Low Voltage Distribution Grids. . In Energies, 12(21). 2019.
2018[ to top ]
Reversible Heat Pump Organic Rankine Cycle Systems for the Storage of Renewable Electricity. . In Energies, 11(6). 2018.
Reinforcement Learning Control Algorithm for a PV-Battery-System Providing Frequency Containment Reserve Power. . In SmartGridComm, pp. 1–6. IEEE, 2018.
Coordinated Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Swarm Battery Control. . In CCECE, pp. 1–4. IEEE, 2018.
A comprehensive electricity Market Model using simulation and Optimization Techniques. . In WSC, B. Johansson, S. Jain (eds.), pp. 2095–2106. IEEE, 2018.
Coordinating E-Mobility Charging for Frequency Containment Reserve Power Provision. . In e-Energy, H. Schmeck, V. Hagenmeyer (eds.), pp. 556–563. ACM, 2018.
Including a virtual battery storage into thermal unit commitment. . In Comput. Sci. Res. Dev., 33(1-2), pp. 223–229. 2018.
Rebalancing and fleet sizing of Mobility-on-demand Networks with combined simulation, Optimization and Queueing Network Analysis. . In WSC, B. Johansson, S. Jain (eds.), pp. 1527–1538. IEEE, 2018.
2017[ to top ]
Electrification of public bus transport under the usage of electricity generated by renewables. . In 2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Engineering (ICITE), pp. 314–319. 2017.
SWARM � Providing 1 MW FCR power with residential PV-battery energy storage � Simulation and empiric validation. . In 2017 IEEE Manchester PowerTech, pp. 1–6. 2017.
Towards an impact study of electric vehicles on the Italian electric power system using simulation techniques. . In RTSI, pp. 1–5. IEEE, 2017.
Analysis of Various Charging Strategies for Electrified Public Bus Transport Utilizing a Lightweight Simulation Model. . In Proceedings of the 1st E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium. Berlin, Germany, 2017.
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Spatial and Temporal Charging Infrastructure Planning Using Discrete Event Simulation. . In SIGSIM-PADS, W. Cai, Y. M. Teo, P. Wilsey, K. Jin (eds.), pp. 249–257. ACM, 2017.
2016[ to top ]
Modeling the impact of electrical energy storage systems on future power systems. . In 2016 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC), pp. 1–7. 2016.
The impact of electric vehicles on the german energy system. . In SpringSim (ANSS), J. J. Padilla, A. Tolk, S. Jafer (eds.), p. 23. ACM, 2016.
2015[ to top ]
Ein Simulationsmodell f{\"u}r den Energieumstieg in Bayern. . Cuvillier Verlag, 2015.
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Hierarchical Simulation of the German Energy System and Houses with PV and Storage Systems. . In D-A-CH EI, Vol. 9424 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, S. Gottwalt, L. König, H. Schmeck (eds.), pp. 12–23. Springer, 2015.
2014[ to top ]
Modeling and simulation of electricity generated by renewable energy sources for complex energy systems. . In SpringSim (ANSS), p. 4. SCS/ACM, 2014.
Gekoppeltes Energiesystemmodell f{\"u}r den Energieumstieg in Bayern. . In Energiesymposium 2014. Graz, Austria, 2014.
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Modeling country-scale electricity demand profiles. . In Winter Simulation Conference, S. J. Buckley, J. A. Miller (eds.), pp. 1084–1095. IEEE/ACM, 2014.
On the profit enhancement and state estimation services in the smart grid. . In ISGT, pp. 1–5. IEEE, 2014.
2013[ to top ]
A hybrid simulation model for large-scaled electricity generation systems. . In Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1881–1892. IEEE, 2013.
A simulation model to analyze the residual load during the extension of highly fluctuating renewables in Bavaria, Germany. . In 4th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, pp. 540–545. 2013.
2012[ to top ]
A study on the impact of packet loss and latency on real-time demand response in smart grid. . In GLOBECOM Workshops, pp. 1486–1490. IEEE, 2012.
An approach of a simulation model to analyze the future energy balance of Bavaria. . In 2012 International Conference on Smart Grid Technology, Economics and Policies (SG-TEP), pp. 1–4. 2012.
Towards a simulation model of the Bavarian electrical energy system. . In GI-Jahrestagung, Vol. P-208 of LNI, U. Goltz, M. A. Magnor, H.-J. Appelrath, H. K. Matthies, W.-T. Balke, L. C. Wolf (eds.), pp. 597–612. GI, 2012.