Tele-Support for COPD and Home Ventilation
Telematics methods enable a continuous interactive support to the patient by the doctor. It keeps the doctor well informed of the changes in the health condition of the patient without delay and helps to initiate countermeasures as early as possible. The project aims at delivering patient care round the clock at remote locations by integrating the interdisciplinary advanced methods of telecommunications, automation technology and computer science. The entire information chain as shown is required to be developed: Patient -> Medical Device -> Data acquisition and pre-processing -> Information transfer -> Service Center with Specialists to decide upon actions to be taken -> Actions: a) Call and Guide the patients (e.g. in case of device-related problems), b) Call the Caretaker, c) Contact the consulting Physician and to initiate prepared emergency actions.

Until now there exists only the personal contact between patient and the supervising medical specialist during the fixed visiting hours. In the newly intended telematics infrastructure, a Teleservice Center will be introduced in between. For instance in case of respiratory disease patient, respective "Teleservice Doctor" (in the picture with lungs) will be assigned for the treatment. He takes care of both the "Telemonitoring" of the patient and the handling of critical conditions. He is also responsible for the information synchronization with the supervising physician. This project concentrates on the remote care of COPD patient by home ventilation and this would be realized in the telematics infrastructure. This principle can be similarly applied to other disciplines such as geriatrics, pain treatment, nephrology and cardiology.
Project Partners
Zentrum für Telematik, Gerbrunn (Co-ordinator)
Heimbeatmungsservice Brambring Jaschke GmbH, Bad Kissingen
Missionsärztliche Klinik, Akad. Lehrkrankenhaus der Universität Würzburg
iWelt AG, Eibelstadt
eResearch Technology GmbH, Höchberg
Lehrstuhl für Informatik 7 – Robotik und Telematik, Universität Würzburg
BMBF in the framework of Spitzencluster Medical Valley EMN e.V.
- ZfT
- Heimbeatmungsservice Brambring Jaschke GmbH
- Missionsärztliche Klinik
- iWelt
- eResearch Technology
- Uni Würzburg
- Medical Valley
For more details or information regarding internships/thesis/jobs, please contact Christian Herrmann.