Fit4Mobility is part of the Fit4Age project, a research network comprising several institutions and companies with the focus of improving life for elderly people, which is funded by the research foundation Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (BFS).The Fit4Mobility project itself has four research foci:
- The development of a system for monitoring movements and medical data of the user.
- The development of a navigation and orientation assistant.
- The development of various driving assistance systems on an electromobile.
- The installation of several biosensors on the electromobile.
The Department of Robotics and Telematics is developing a mobility scooter, enhanced with a drive assistance system and an adapted navigation device. These topics are integrated in the second and third parts listed above.
In the second part of the Fit4Mobility project, the chair for Robotics and Telematics is jointly responsible for developing a navigation assistant that is able to plan routes with consideration to specific attributes. For finding a secure route for a mobility scooter it is essential to consider the location of stairs, sidewalks and crosswalks on the way and find an alternative route if necessary.
In the third part of the Fit4Mobility project the chair for Robotics and Telematics works on the implementation of various assistance systems to reduce the challenging control and to enable a secure and adaptive driving of a mobility scooter (c.f. figure below). This contains for example an algorithm for collision avoidance based on ultrasonic and LRF data. Furthermore autonomous algorithms for urban environments are developed to lead the user when the user walks behind the vehicle. Here the driving velocity is adapted automatically according to the walking speed of the user.

Funding Agency
The project Fit4Age and its allied projects are funded by and run under the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung.