
Tele-Education in Robotics
Tele-education in Robotics is the topic of the road show organized by the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg, Germany in association with The European Union Delegation for India, The German Embassy, New Delhi and The Ministry of Science and Education, Germany. The Road show will be held from the 9th of October 2006 until 15th of October in New Delhi, Kanpur, Roorkee, Bombay and Bangalore. The road show demonstrates advanced technology aspects in tele- operating robot hardware in Germany from India via Internet to support learning units in Robotics. This occasion also promotes the higher education concepts of Germany and Europe and further establishes strong scientific partnership between India and Europe. This event also exhibits the importance of Tele-education in India for advanced topics like Robotics and Mechatronics through the dissemination results of the European Union- India Cross cultural program funded topic in ‘International Virtual Laboratory in Mechatronics’. This EU funded program also includes 2 Indian Universities (Anna University, Chennai and Thyagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai) and 2 European Universities including the Julius Maximilans University of Würzburg as the lead coordinator and University of Carlos Madrid in Spain as a European partner.
Tele-Education in India is not only a new prospect, but also a very important tool for success in education and research. The students in India are proving to show that they are more interested to enroll in engineering disciplines more than any country in Europe or America. The difficulty lies on the side of the Institutions and universities who can hardly provide the students more practical experiments due to reserved laboratories and staff. It is very hard to invest and build new laboratories because the need of study is rising in a steep curve from the side of the students and this makes estimation impossible. Nevertheless in engineering, hardware experiments and related laboratories are a key issue in education. Once the laboratory is established the students can access and perform anytime at any place just assuming that they have access to Internet. This way the students could have the experience in hardware resources, they otherwise could never experience. This road show will highlight these important aspects with live demonstration of hardware experiments using Internet Technology and how this technology could be integrated in to Indian Universities with out investing more time in research or huge monetarily contributions. In some cases, the already developed scientific models developed by the consortium can be used by the Indian institutions with minimum effort and directly give benefit to the Indian students in introducing advanced hardware level courses.
The Road show will largely attract Education and research oriented public specifically in the field of engineering, communication and Information Technology. This road show addresses an area of high economic potential, thus technology transfer from academia to business in telematics techniques promises excellent entrepreneurial opportunities including creation of new jobs and can possibly attract local industries
The event is fully supported by European Union delegation for India in New Delhi and German Embassy in New Delhi