Lehrstuhl für Informatik VII - Robotik und Telematik

Prof. em. Klaus Schilling

Professor and Chair

Informatics VII : Robotics and Telematics 
Informatics building, room B201 
Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg 
Am Hubland 
D-97074 Würzburg 

Tel. +49-931-31-86647
Fax +49-931-31-86679


Klaus Schilling is
- President of the research company "Zentrum für Telematik"
- Selected 2012 for an ERC Advanced Grant, 2018 for an ERC Synergy Grant
- Member of the International Academy of Astronautics
- Coordinating chair for the field "Computers and Control" in the International Federation on Automatic Control (IFAC)

He was

- Professor and Chair for Robotics and Telematics at University Wuerzburg
- at EADS/Astrium head of the" Mission and System Analyses Group"
- responsible for feasibility phases of several  space missions,
               including the interplanetary ESA satellites HUYGENS and ROSETTA
- chair of the IFAC TC on Aerospace 2002 - 2005,  later vice chair and steering committee member
- chair of the IFAC TC on Telematics: Control via Communication Networks 2008-2014
- chair of the IEEE TC on Networked Robotics
- editor-in-chief of the international journal "Space Technology"
- appointed consulting professor at Stanford University 2002 - 2006
- coordinator and PI of the first German pico-satellite UWE-1 (launched 2005)
- recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant 2012
                 of the Walter-Reis-Award in Robotic innovations 2012
                 of the Walter-Reis-Award in Service Robotics 2008
- One of six academic members in the scientific board of the Bavarian Research Foundation

His research interests include autonomous and adaptive control strategies, telematics methods, sensorics, mechatronic systems, and control of distributed systems. These techniques are applied in design and tele-operations of pico-satellites, industrial mobile robots, sensor systems, tele-education and medical systems.