Lehrstuhl für Informatik VII - Robotik und Telematik


Publications 1992

K. Schilling, H. Roth; Homing Guidance Schemes for Autonomous Vehicles in: A. De Carli, M. La Cava (eds.) Motion Control for Intelligent Automation Pergamon Press 1992. 319 - 324.

H. Roth, K. Schilling, B. Theobold; Adaptive Methods to Acquire Cometary Samples in : M. Maurette Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space Cépaduès-Éditions 1992 241 - 258 .

K. Schilling, H. Roth, B. Theobold; Autonomous On-Comet Operations Aspects of the ROSETTA Mission in : D.DeBra, E. Gottzein (eds.) Automatic Control in Aerospace - Aerospace Control `92 Pergamon Press 1992 383 - 390.

K. Schilling, H. Roth; Autonomous Acquisition of Planetary Material Samples IAF-92-0811, Washington 1992.

K. Schilling; Simulation of ROSETTA on Comet Operations Annales Geophysicae 10 (1992), 141 - 144.