Erfahrungsberichte besuchender Studierender
Hier finden Sie Erfahrungsberichte von Studierenden, die in den letzten Jahren in der Informatik zu besuch waren. Eine Vielzahl an Erfahrungsberichten von ausgehenden ERASMUS-Studierenden könnn Sie hier auf der Seite des International Office finden.
Bisher haben wir folgende Berichte für Sie gesammelt:
Veronika | Lwiw, Ukraine | SS24 |
Ștefan | Bukarest, Rumänien | WS23 |
Oriol | Toulouse, Frankreich | SS22 |
Jaione | Bilbao, Baskenland | WS21 |
Danylo | Lwiw, Ukraine | SS20 |
Olha | Lwiw, Ukraine | SS20 |
Joanna | Gleiwitz, Polen | WS19 |
Kamil | Krakau, Polen | SS19 |
Khrystyna | Lwiw, Ukraine | SS19 |
Yurii | Lwiw, Ukraine | SS19 |
Veronika aus Lwiw
"Ich kann Würzburg jedem, der seinen akademischen und persönlichen Horizont erweitern möchte, als Erasmusziel sehr empfehlen."

Veronika ist aus Lwiw, Ukraine, für das Sommersemester 2024 an die Uni Würzburg gekommen.
"My name is Veronika, and I’m from Lviv, Ukraine. I’m currently studying Computer Science, and I had the opportunity to attend the University of Würzburg for an exchange semester. My time there was an incredible learning experience, both academically and culturally. I took several courses, including Machine Learning for Complex Networks, Computer Vision, and Data Mining. These courses were challenging but extremely rewarding, allowing me to deepen my understanding in areas that are crucial for my career. The academic system in Würzburg was different from what I was used to in Ukraine, but it helped me develop stronger self-management skills and a more autonomous approach to learning. Würzburg is a beautiful city, surrounded by vineyards and full of life. It was an amazing experience living there, especially with the international student community that made it easy to connect with people from all over the world. Even though it was intense at times, I managed to balance studying with enjoying the city’s culture and making new friends. Overall, my time in Würzburg was unforgettable, and I would highly recommend it as an Erasmus destination for anyone looking to broaden their academic and personal horizons."
Ștefan aus Bukarest
"Mein Aufenthalt war alles in allem sehr gut und ich würde Würzburg anderen Leuten, die sich für ein Studium in Deutschland interessieren, sehr empfehlen."

Ștefan ist aus Bukarest, Rumänien, für das Wintersemester 2023/24 an die Uni Würzburg gekommen.
"Hello I'm Ștefan from Romania. I chose Würzburg as my host Erasmus University, because it offered a set of courses which overlapped well with my field of study and interests, which lie somewhere between Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Logic.
The semester here was very interesting. I took part in one lecture and three other courses in formats that my home university doesn't offer: two seminars and one Praktikum. This course selection allowed me to really focus on some topics I was interested in. Also, this type of work meant that I had to write a lot. I think writing was very good practice for my master thesis, but also for my career in general, as I'm interested in doing research in the future. These types of courses are a bit lonely however, so I didn't get the chance to connect much with other computer science students. However, I enjoyed collaborating with the supervisors, especially with my Praktikum supervisor, with whom I interacted the most.
I also managed to reach the A2 language level in German, without having any relevant knowledge before arriving here. I feel like doing the language courses contributed a lot to the my overall experience and I think it's very valuable that we as Erasmus students get the chance to do them.
I had the chance to meet a lot of people here in Würzburg, from all over the world. These people enabled me to enrich my cultural knowledge, which I am very grateful for. I also managed to build some good friendships along the way. Würzburg is a very interesting place from this point of view. Despite being on the smaller side, it feels big since it is so vibrant and full of life.
My experience was all in all very good and I would strongly recommend Würzburg to other people interested in studying in Germany."
Oriol aus Toulouse
"Ich kann Würzburg als Erasmus Ziel nur empfehlen."

Oriol ist aus Toulouse, Frankreich, für das Sommersemester 2022 an die Uni Würzburg gekommen.
"Hello! I'm Oriol, originally from near Barcelona, but I moved to France a few years ago. I came to Würzburg as an undergraduate computer science student from the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France. I was really excited to see that I had the opportunity to come to Germany since I'm interested in the German language and culture.
Before the start of the semester, I took the intensive German language course, which I highly recommend! It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot. During the semester, I took a total of five courses, plus the regular German language course that followed the intensive one, so seven modules in total. The courses I took were mostly seminars and I found that their system is quite different from what I was used to, so it took some time to adjust. For instance, in France we usually have many guided classes a week, and most of the work is supervised, while in Würzburg most of the work I did was autonomous. That was definitely challenging, but it gave me the opportunity to learn to better manage my time. I also learned a lot about reading, searching and writing scientific papers – another aspect that isn't really taught in Toulouse (at least in our Bachelor program).
Regarding the city, Würzburg is full of activities and things to do. It is really beautiful and nice to walk around – whether if it's in the city centre or in the vineyards surrounding the city on the hills. The city is well connected by train to the rest of Germany, and the local bus and tram network works pretty well.
It also was a great opportunity to practice English since there are many students from all around the world. My experience in Würzburg was great, and I really recommend Würzburg as an Erasmus destination."
Jaione aus Bilbao
"Die Universität Würzburg ist anspruchsvoll, so wie meine Uni zuhause."

Jaione ist für das Wintersemester 2021/22 aus Bilbao im Baskenland an die Uni Würzburg gekommen.
"Hi! This is Jaione, a student of Master in Telecommunication Engineering in Bilbao, Basque Country. I came to Würzburg last September, and I am staying here for two semesters.
In the winter semester, I have been taking lectures of the Master in Satellite Communications. The courses I have been taking have been a mixture of both online classes and classes in presence. The theory classes were online (as videos recorded by the professors, in which they taught using the slides of the course), whereas some labs happened in presence.
Regarding examinations, half of the courses I took had written examinations. What I feel about them is that if you have studied and prepared them properly, it’s no problem to pass them. The other two exams were oral. One of them was a programming exam in which the aim was to understand and to be able to explain the behaviour of some codes shown by the professor. The last exam I took was an oral exam of a group project.
The feelings I have so far about the university are quite similar to those about my home university. The University of Würzburg is challenging, as my home university. However, that also makes you study during the whole semester and acquire knowledge that, in your future career, will definitely help a lot.
Another interesting thing the university offers are German courses. I have personally attended an intensive course in September, a less intensive course during the winter semester, and now I am about to finish another intensive course that has been held in March. As an Erasmus student at the Uni, I can take them for free. I feel that I have really improved my German – a fact that I feel is really important, knowing that I will be living in Germany for a whole year.
Speaking of the city – it is the best place to come to study. Würzburg is full of students from every corner of the world, which makes it a really open-minded place. It offers a wide range of possibilities both in the winter and summer semesters.
Overall speaking, I do not regret at all having come here to spend the last year of my Master’s study and I am really looking forward to my next semester in Würzburg :-)"
Danylo aus Lwiw
"Ich war beeindruckt von der Liste angebotener Kurse."

Danylo ist für das Sommersemester 2020 aus Lwiw, Ukraine, zur Uni Würzburg gekommen.
"Hello, I am Danylo, a computer science student from Lviv, Ukraine.
I had a wonderful time as exchange student at JMU. I got aquainted with JMU through an exciting course on Algorithmic Graph Theory at my home university. The course was taught by a professor from Würzburg University. Therefore, when I saw the JMU Computer Science program as an option for an Erasmus exchange, I decided to apply. I was quite impressed by the list of courses one can take here. It will probably serve any wishes one may have, but be careful, it is easy to overestimate your capacity since courses are rich in content.
Overall the courses are well-composed and encourage you to go into depth. The exam-centered grading approach at JMU promotes responsible, self-planned studying, which I enjoyed although this didn't use to be my strong suit.
Though the program is great, it is not even half of the experience. You get to live in a beautiful lively city, in a dormitory that might be (as mine was) surrounded by meadows. And there are lots of rabbits running around! The campus is next to vineyards. Everyday I would enjoy a walk or a run there and relax after intense studying sessions. The local architecture is wonderful, so another excellent route for a walk would be down to Main river. There, in the city center, you can truly enjoy yourself in a company of great native and foreign students from all around the world. I was planning this semester purely for academic reasons, but regardless what your plan is, don't miss on social life. To back this up, I arrived in Würzburg in the midst of the first covid-19 outbreak. I got sick, and was quarantined. After the harsh initial lockdown, small gatherings like barbecue with a few friends are some of the best memories I got. Despite the pandemic my professors were nothing but responsive and kind.
In general, just take your time to plan, choose you courses thoughtfully, and you will love it!"
Olha aus Lwiw
"Die Fachauswahl am Institut für Informatik ist sehr breit und ich habe manche Fächer ausgewählt, die ich an meiner Heimatuni nicht hätte belegen können."

Olha aus Lwiw, Ukraine, hat im Sommersemester 2020 die Uni Würzburg besucht.
"Hi, ich bin Olha aus Lviv. Ich war es von meiner Heimatuni (UKU) gewohnt, während des Semesters benotete Aufgaben zu bekommen, aus denen sich dann am Ende des Semesters meine Note meistens direkt berechnet hat. In Würzburg habe ich mit einer anderen Art des Studiums Erfahrung gemacht – Prüfungen machen hier den größten Teil der Note aus. Ich denke, das fördert die Verantwortung und Selbstmotivation im Studium, und ich bin sehr froh, dass ich diesen Ansatz durch das Informatikstudium an der Uni Würzburg kennengelernt habe.
Das andere Ungewöhnliche war für mich natürlich das Online-Semester. Leider konnte ich wegen der Coronavirus-Pandemie nicht die echten Vorlesungen auf dem Uni-Campus erleben. So habe ich die Lehrveranstaltungen per Zoom oder Video von meiner Zimmer aus besucht – und hatte Spaß daran. Die Professoren und Tutoren haben sich richtig Mühe gegeben, dieses Semester so gut wie möglich zu gestalten. Dafür bin ich sehr dankbar. Sie waren immer erreichbar, wann man irgendwelche Fragen hatte. Es ist verständlich, dass das Studium unter diesen Bedingungen anstrengender sein kann als normalerweise.
Im Allgemein habe ich sehr viel gelernt, auch wenn ich kein "echtes" Studieren an der Uni erleben konnte. Die Fachauswahl am Institut für Informatik ist sehr breit, und ich habe manche Fächer ausgewählt, die ich während meines Studiums an der UKU nicht hätte belegen können. Es war ein tolles Möglichkeit, sich eingehender mit Graphenalgorithmen zu beschäftigen und mehr über Numerische Mathematik zu erfahren. Außerdem habe ich im Maschinellen Lernen viel Nützliches für meinen künftigen Job gelernt.
Ich bin sicher, dass jeder Student hier passende und interessante Kurse finden kann, und so empfehle ich Euch, ein Semester im Studiengang Informatik der Uni Würzburg auszuprobieren!"
Joanna aus Gleiwitz
"Ich habe mich persönlich weiterentwickelt."

Joanna aus Gleiwitz, Polen, war im Wintersemester 2019/20 in Würzburg.
"Für mich war es ein besonderes Erlebnis, an der Universität Würzburg studieren zu können. Zwar war mein Stundenplan ziemlich anstrengend, aber ich habe Professoren getroffen, die mir immer geholfen und mich unterstützt haben. Ich habe die Chance bekommen, zu sehen, wie das Studium in Deutschland aussieht.
Was mir persönlich sehr wichtig war, war, viele internationale Freundschaften zu schließen und so viel wie möglich mit Leuten zu sprechen. Dabei konnte ich meine Deutschkenntnisse verbessern und die deutsche Kultur besser kennenlernen. Es war sehr interessant, kulturelle Unterschiede zu erkunden. Ich habe auch die Stadt genossen und bin viel ausgegangen, weil Würzburg sehr schön und vielfältig ist und viele Veranstaltungen anbietet, z.B. das Festival für Straßenmusik oder den Weihnachtsmarkt. Durch Ausflüge konnte ich auch Städte in der Nähe besichtigen. Ich habe auch die Erfahrung gemacht, selbstständig zu leben. Dies gab mir das Gefühl, dass ich mich persönlich weiterentwickelt habe.
Die Zeit in Würzburg wird mir angenehm in Erinnerung bleiben. Ich bin sehr glücklich, die Möglichkeit bekommen zu haben, am Erasmus-Programm teilzunehmen. Auf jeden Fall würde ich ein Auslandsemester in Würzburg wiederholen und auch anderen sehr empfehlen."
Kamil aus Krakau
"Studenten haben die Möglickeit ihr eigenes Tempo fürs Studieren zu setzen."

Kamil aus Krakau, Polen, war im Sommersemester 2019 in Würzburg.
"Studying in Würzburg was an amazing experience. My university has an Erasmus contract with Julius Maximilian University Würzburg, so I decided it would be a good chance to improve my German and try something different. I took 6 courses in total, so my daily schedule had already been arranged well by the University. However, there was still time to enjoy summer in the city, which is full of festivals, sights and great wine. The local organization for international students and the region itself offered many ways to spend the free time actively. Among the things that surprised me at the university was the fact that the attendance at all of the courses is not obligatory and there are no midterm exams – this way students have the opportunity to set their own pace of studying. Another interesting fact was that so many current students taught their fellows at exercise classes and they did it really well. During those four months I met many people and spent a great time with them – I can highly recommend this city to everyone!"
Khrystyna aus Lwiw
"Teil des Erasmus-Progremmes zu sein, ist eine Chance den eigene Horizont zu erweitern."

Khrystyna aus Lwiw, Ukraine, war im Sommersemester 2019 in Würzburg.
"Being part of the Erasmus program is definitely a valuable experience. It’s a chance to broaden your mind, to be a part of another country while improving your technical skills. I was surprised by the hospitality of the University of Würzburg, beginning from the International Students Office to professors. Everyone was ready to help, to understand my situatoin and to support me.
The lectures were interesting and up-to-date. Apart from theory, we were able to see use cases in practice. The educational process is somewhat different from ours. We don’t have such a lot of material, but we have more questions in the exams.
Würzburg is a nice city to visit and to live in. If you haven’t been here before you should really come and explore it! Besides studying, I decided to travel because it’s cheaper from here than from Ukraine, and within Europe we do not face long passport controls as on the Ukraine–EU border. That’s why it is much easier. If you book in advance, you can really fnd cheap prices. I would strongly recommend knowing at least German basics: to be able to build at least an understandable sentence and understand someone. I had several situations when I had to switch on German. There were no problems in the city administration, the University, and with the health insurance."
Yurii aus Lwiw
"Das System hat mir geholfen zu lernen anstatt nur Punkte zu sammeln."

Yurii aus Lwiw, Ukraine, war im Sommersemester 2019 in Würzburg.
I am Yurii and I had a great time as an Erasmus student here at the University of Würzburg. To begin with, a German course was really beneficial and fun. I was lucky with the teachers, who told us not only about the grammar but also about German traditions, celebrations and customs. There were lots of games and activities during the class. They helped me to improve the foreign language efficiently and painlessly.
My main studies in computer science were also profitable. The material covered was clearly structured. The grading system was different from the one used in my home university. In my opinion, it helped me to learn the subject rather than simply "collect the points". Quite a few topics were recent and looked promising to put efforts into. The seminar format was also new to me. I've never gone through a tough mathematical paper and given a scientific presentation before. However, some courses seem to lack practical implementation assignments, which would be a good way to learn or practice some programming language, deepen the understanding of the topic or even apply the gained knowledge and help others.
All things considered, I was happy to work with prof. Wolff and Lehrstuhl für Informatik I in the University of Würzburg. Hope that the cooperation between our universities will develop and prosper."