Runge, Armin

Wiss. Mitarbeiter / Research Fellow
Dr. rer. nat. Armin Runge
Raum BH014
Lehrstuhl für Informatik V
Institut für Informatik
Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Tel.: +49-931-3184701
Fax: +49-931-3186702
Arbeitsgebiete / Research Areas
- Multi-core and Many-core Systems
- Network-on-Chips
- Fault-tolerance
Veröffentlichungen / Publications
For each publication the corresponding talk was given by the author marked with *.
- Armin Runge* and Reiner Kolla: "TwoPhases: A Transmission Scheme to Reduce the Link Width at Deflection Routing based Network-on-Chips"
Journal of Systems Architecture, December 2016.
[link] - Armin Runge* and Reiner Kolla: "Using Benes Networks at Fault Tolerant and Deflection Routing based NoCs"
10th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Network-on-Chip (NOCS 2016), Nara, August 2016.
(22,6% acceptance rate) - Armin Runge* and Reiner Kolla: "An Alternating Transmission Scheme for Deflection Routing based Network-on-Chips"
ARCS 2016 - Architecture of Computing Systems, Nürnberg, April 2016.
(33% acceptance rate, Best Paper Award) - Armin Runge* and Reiner Kolla: "Consideration of the Flit Size for Deflection Routing based Network-on-Chips"
1st International Workshop on Advanced Interconnect Solutions and Technologies for Emerging Computing Systems (AISTECS), Prague, January 2016.
- Armin Runge*: "Fault-tolerant Network-on-Chip based on Fault-aware Flits and Deflection Routing"
9th International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Vancouver, September 2015.
(24,65% acceptance rate)
- Armin Runge*: "FaFNoC: A Fault-tolerant and Bufferless Network-on-chip"
The 2nd International Workshop on Design and Performance of Networks on Chip, Belfort, August 2015.
- Armin Runge*: "Determination of the Optimum Degree of Redundancy for Fault-prone Many-Core Systems"
6. GMM/GI/ITG-Fachtagung "Zuverlässigkeit und Entwurf", Bremen, September 2012.
- Armin Runge*: "Reliability Enhancement of Fault-prone Many-core Systems Combining Spatial and Temporal Redundancy"
The 2nd International Workshop on Embedded Multi-Core computing and Applications (EMCA), Liverpool, June 2012.
- Armin Runge*, Marcel Baunach, and Reiner Kolla:
"Precise Self-Calibration of Ultrasound Based Indoor Localization Systems"
2nd International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
(IPIN), Guimarães, September 2011.
[link] - Armin Runge*, Marcel Baunach, and Reiner Kolla:
"Distribute & Erase, a Self-Calibration Algorithm for Ultrasound Based Localization Systems"
10. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch "Drahtlose Sensornetze", Paderborn, September 2011.
- Armin Runge: "Verfahren zur Selbstkalibrierung von Lokalisationssystemen basierend auf drahtlosen Sensornetzen", November 2010, Diplomarbeit.
Lehre / Education
SS 2016: | Vorlesung Rechnerarchitektur |
WS 2015/16: | Vorlesung Einführung in die Informatik für Hörer aller Fakultäten, Praktikum HaDes XI |
SS 2015: | Seminar Eingebettete Systeme - ManyCore Systeme |
WS 2014/15: | Vorlesung Einführung in die Informatik für Hörer aller Fakultäten, Praktikum HaDes XI |
SS 2014: | Vorlesung Rechnerarchitektur |
WS 2013/14: | Vorlesung Einführung in die Informatik für Hörer aller Fakultäten, Praktikum HaDes XI |
SS 2013: | Vorlesung Rechenanlagen, Praktikum Sensornetze |
WS 2012/13: | Vorlesung Einführung in die Informatik für Hörer aller Fakultäten, Praktikum HaDes XI |
SS 2012: | Vorlesung Rechnerarchitektur |
WS 2011/12: | Vorlesung Einführung in VHDL, Praktikum HaDes XI |
SS 2011: | Vorlesung Rechenanlagen |