Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Informatik III


7th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroFGI and ITG Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks"


July 23rd - July 24th 2007

Technical Program

(Download a printable pdf version of the program)

Monday, 23 July, 2007

8:30 am to 9:00 am

Registration and Reception

9:00 am to 9:15 am

Opening and Welcome

P. Tran-Gia (University of Würzburg) and D. Kofman (EuroFGI)

9:15 am to 10:45 am

Session 1: Next Generation Network Initiatives (Chair: P. Tran-Gia)


Invited Talk: P. Freeman (Georgia Tech, USA)

GENI at Age Three: Origins, Objectives, Outlook

Abstract  Slides


Invited Talk: S.-M. S. Kang (National Information Society Korea):

Future Internet Research Activities and Testbed Experiences in Korea

Abstract  Slides 


Invited Talk: P. Stuckmann (European Commission)

European Research on Future Internet in Framework Programme 7

Abstract  Slides

10:45 am to 11:30 am

Poster Session with Coffee Break

11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Session 2 : QoS and Scalability (Chair: J. Garcia-Vidal)


Y. Ofek (University of Trento, Italy):

Global Time for Overcoming Internet Challenges: Scalability with Guaranteed Performance

Abstract  Slides


W. Burakowski and H. Tarasiuk (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland):

Towards the QoS Internet

Abstract  Slides


M. Menth (University of Würzburg, Germany):

Overview of Future Internet Routing Activities

Abstract  Slides

12:30 pm to 1:50 pm


1:50 pm to 3:00 pm

Session 3: Self-Organization and P2P (Chair: J. Eberspächer)


Invited Talk: M. Murata (Osaka University, Japan):

Bio-Inspired Information Networking - Why and How We Can Build Self-Organizing Networks

Abstract  Slides


P. Wüchner and H. De Meer (University of Passau, Germany):

Mathematical Modeling of Self-Organizing Systems

Abstract  Slides


A. Leon-Garcia and S. Sharma (University of Toronto, Canada):

Incorporating P2P Networks in Service Provider Infrastructure

Abstract  Slides

3:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Coffee Break

3:30 pm to 4:10 pm

Session 4: New Challenges (Chair: G. Haring)


D. Kennedy (Eurescom):

The Future Internet: A European Solution?

Abstract  Slides


A. Gladisch (T-Systems, Germany):

Optics and the Challenge of Carrier Network Transformation


4:10 pm to 5:10 pm

Panel Session: Research Strategy towards Future Networks



7:30 pm to open end

Social Event

Tuesday, 24 July, 2007

9:00 am to 10:30 am

Session 5: Wireless Networks (Chair: U. Herzog)


Invited Talk: K.-D. Kohrt (NSN, Germany):

Next Generation Mobile Networks & Mobile Internet - What is Different and Who Needs It?

Abstract  Slides


J. Garcia-Vidal (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain):

The Case for a Cooperative Protocol Stack for Wireless Multihop Networks

Abstract  Slides


T. Le Quan and G. Kotsis (Johannes Kepler University, Austria):

Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks as the Access Networks for the Internet and Mobility Management

Abstract  Slides


E. Weingärtner et F. Kargl (RWTH Aachen and University of Ulm, Germany):

Hybrid Sensor-Vehicular Networks in the Context of Next-Generation Networking

Abstract  Slides

10:30 am to 11:00 am

Coffee Break

11:00 am to 12:30 pm

Session 6: New Architectures (Chair: R. Lehnert)


Invited Talk: P. Müller et al. (University of Kaiserslautern, Germany):

Future Internet Architecture: A Service-Oriented Approach

Abstract  Slides


S. Mies et al. (University of Karlsruhe, Germany):

SpoVNet : An Architecture for Supporting Future Internet Applications

Abstract  Slides


S. Baucke et al. (Ericsson GmbH, Germany):

Flexible Architecture for the Future Internet

Abstract  Slides


T. Müller (Ericsson GmbH, Germany):

Spanning Tree Protection in Ethernet Microwave Radio Networks Using Adaptive Modulation

Abstract  Slides

12:30 pm to 1:50 pm


1:50 pm to 2:50 pm

Session 7: P2P and Overlays (Chair: A. Leon-Garcia)


W. Kellerer (DoCoMo Communications Laboratories Europe, Germany):

Peer-to-Peer Networking in Heterogeneous, Mobile Environments

Abstract  Slides


T. Hoßfeld (University of Würzburg, Germany):

Changing User Behaviour in Future Services

Abstract  Slides

G. Hasslinger and S. Kempken (T-Systems and University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany):

Application and Analysis of Random Walks in Peer-to-Peer Networks

Abstract  Slides

2:50 pm to 3:20 pm

Coffee Break

3:20 pm to 4:50 pm

Session 8: Security and Network Foundations (Chair: K. Tutschku)


Invited Talk: J. Charzinski (NSN, Germany):

On the Gap between Network Security Research, Realization and Usage

Abstract  Slides


R. P. Karrer (Technical University of Berlin, Germany):

Securing the Internet: Threats, Trends and Tussles

Abstract  Slides


K.-D. Hackbarth and J. Portilla (University of Cantabria and University of Alcala, Spain):

Next Generation Networks (NGN) and Next Generation Internet (NGI) and Corresponding Regulatory Issues

Abstract  Slides


M. Fidler (TU Darmstadt, Germany):
A Min-Plus System Interpretation of Available Bandwidth Estimation
Abstract  Slides

4:50 pm to 4:55 pm




Poster Session:

  1. F. Weber and U. Trick (University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt/M., Germany): QoS in SIP-based NGN - Introducing Fundamental Requirements and a New Approach
    Abstract  Slides
  2. A. Lehmann et al. (University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt/M., Germany): Optimizing Service Creation and Deployment for Different Service Providers Scenarios
    Abstract  Slides
  3. N. Z. Khan (Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany) : DAM-FANS: Dynamic Autonomous Monitoring of Future Access Network Services
    Abstract  Slides
  4. T. Dreibholz and E. P. Rathgeb (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany): Towards the Future Internet - A Survey of Challenges and Solutions in Research and Standardization
    Abstract  Slides
  5. K. Jakobs (RWTH Aachen, Germany): Setting Standards for Future Generation Networks - Lessons Learned from a Past Pitfall
    Abstract  Slides
  6. J. Kraaier and U. Killat (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany): On the Required Degree of Detail in Mobility Modeling for Vehicular Multihop Access Networks
    Abstract  Slides
  7. R. Böringer and H. Kärst (Cuculus GmbH, Germany): ZoneLAB - A Shared Lab Environment with Embedded Systems
    Abstract  Slides
  8. A. Klein (EADS, Germany): Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Statistic-Based Routing
    Abstract  Slides
  9. M. Zhdanova and E. Druzhinin (Russian Federation): SECURITY LOCATOR Network Monitoring and Anomaly Detection Tool
    Abstract  Slides