Deutsch Intern
Institute of Computer Science

Current news

Far North research


The Arctic may be an inhospitable place for many, but it has enormous value for science. For more than 20 years, Norwegian universities have maintained an outpost on Spitsbergen - which is now collaborating with the University of Würzburg.


A team of researchers from the University of Würzburg has used a new technology to measure a permafrost tunnel on the Zugspitze in Germany. The system allows high-precision 3D images to be taken even in difficult-to-access environments.


Attention space buffs! On 28 March 2025, the University of Würzburg will offer exclusive access to its satellite laboratories and mission control centre. Contact with an orbiting satellite is also planned.


Artificial intelligence at work is the focus of a research project at the University of Würzburg that began three years ago. The project has now been extended for another 1.5 years.


In four years, the asteroid Apophis will pass very close to Earth. A team of researchers at the University of Würzburg is now developing a space camera that will use new technology to provide new images of the asteroid.


Our aerospace informatics students produce scientific films as part of their seminar work. With more than 360,000 views and over 1,000 subscriptions, we are already known far beyond the borders of the university.


The Chair of Aerospace Information Technology is developing new X-ray technologies for pulsar navigation and asteroid exploration in the SENTRY project in collaboration with X-Spectrum. This will allow us to analyse the composition of the asteroid Aphosis during its close flyby in 2029.


Since the beginning of February 2025, Fraunhofer AVIATION & SPACE, branch SPACE, has been the new associate member of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Extraterrestrial Studies (IFEX)


A new project is focusing on how communication networks can become sustainable and secure against failures despite higher performance requirements. The Chair of Computer Science III (Communication Networks) is also involved in this project.
