    Data Science Chair

    Dr. Daniel Schlör

    Chair of Data Science (Informatik X)
    University of Würzburg
    Campus Hubland Nord
    Emil-Fischer-Straße 50
    97074 Würzburg

    Email: daniel.schloer[at]

    Phone: (+49 931)  31 - 84564

    Office: Room 50.03.017 (Institutsgebäude Künstliche Intelligenz)

    Projects and Research Interests

    My main research interests are machine learning, anomaly detection and natural language processing in the fields of cybersecurity and fraud detection. Currently I'm working on deep learning models able to capture domain specific relationships within data.

    In addition to my affiliation with the Data Science chair, I have been a member of the CLiGS – Computational Literary Genre Stylistics research group, working in the field of Digital Humanities.



    2024[ to top ]
    • Modeling and Analyzing th...
      Fischer, E., Zehe, A., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2024) Modeling and Analyzing the Influence of Non-Item Pages on Sequential Next-Item Prediction, available:
    • Verantwortungsvolle Empfe...
      Schl{ö}r, D. and Hotho, A. (2024) Verantwortungsvolle Empfehlungssysteme f{ü}r die medizinische Diagnostik, Edition Moderne Postmoderne, 101.
    • Digital Stylistics in Rom...
      Hesselbach, R., Calvo Tello, J., Henny-Krahmer, U., Schöch, C., and Schlör, D. (2024) Digital Stylistics in Romance Studies and Beyond.
    • Data Generation for Expla...
      Tritscher, J., Wolf, M., Krause, A., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2024) Data Generation for Explainable Occupational Fraud Detection, 47th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2024) - to appear.
    • PreAdapter: Pre-training ...
      Omeliyanenko, J., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2024) PreAdapter: Pre-training Language Models on Knowledge Graphs, International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2024, to appear.
    • ModeConv: {A} Novel Convo...
      Schaller, M., Schl{{ö}}r, D., and Hotho, A. (2024) ModeConv: {A} Novel Convolution for Distinguishing Anomalous and Normal Structural Behavior, CoRR, abs/2407.00140, available:
    • Benchmarking of synthetic...
      Wolf, M., Tritscher, J., Landes, D., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2024) Benchmarking of synthetic network data: Reviewing challenges and approaches., Computers and Security, 145, 103993, available:
    • Systematic Evaluation of ...
      Wolf, M., Landes, D., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2024) Systematic Evaluation of Synthetic Data Augmentation for Multi-class NetFlow Traffic., CoRR, abs/2408.16034, available:
    • Generative Inpainting for...
      Tritscher, J., Lissmann, P., Wolf, M., Krause, A., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2024) Generative Inpainting for Shapley-Value-Based Anomaly Explanation, The World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI 2024) - to appear.
    2023[ to top ]
    • Schaller, M., Steininger, M., Dulny, A., Schlör, D., and Hotho, A. (2023) Liquor-HGNN: A heterogeneous graph neural network for leakage detection in water distribution networks, LWDA’23: Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen. October 09--11, 2023, Marburg, Germany.
    • Tritscher, J., Roos, A., Schlör, D., Hotho, A., and Krause, A. (2023) Occupational Fraud Detection through Agent-based Data Generation, The 8th Workshop on MIning DAta for financial applicationS MIDAS 2023 - to appear.
    • Tritscher, J., Wolf, M., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2023) Evaluating feature relevance XAI in network intrusion detection, The World Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI 2023) - to appear.
    • Omeliyanenko, J., Zehe, A., Hotho, A., and Schlör, D. (2023) CapsKG: Enabling Continual Knowledge Integration in Language Models for Automatic Knowledge Graph Completion, International Semantic Web Conference ISWC 2023, to appear.
    • Fischer, E., Schlör, D., Zehe, A., and Hotho, A. (2023) Enhancing Sequential Next-Item Prediction through Modelling Non-Item Pages.
    • Optimizing Medical Servic...
      Schlör, D., Pfister, J., and Hotho, A. (2023) Optimizing Medical Service Request Processes through Language Modeling and Semantic Search, in 2023 the 7th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics (ICMHI), ICMHI 2023, Kyoto, Japan: Association for Computing Machinery, 136–141, available:
    2022[ to top ]
    • Schlör, D. and Hotho, A. (2022) Towards Responsible Medical Diagnostics Recommendation Systems, available:
    • Schlör, D. and Hotho, A. (2022) Towards Responsible Medical Diagnostics Recommendation Systems, CoRR, abs/2209.03760, available:
    • Schlör, D. (2022) Detecting Anomalies in Transaction Data, PhD dissertation, available:
    • Open ERP System Data For ...
      Tritscher, J., Gwinner, F., Schlör, D., Krause, A., and Hotho, A. (2022) Open ERP System Data For Occupational Fraud Detection, available:
    2021[ to top ]
    • Tritscher, J., Krause, A., Schlör, D., Gwinner, F., Von Mammen, S., and Hotho, A. (2021) A financial game with opportunities for fraud, in 2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 1–5, available:
    • Ring, M., Schlör, D., Wunderlich, S., Landes, D., and Hotho, A. (2021) Malware detection on windows audit logs using LSTMs, Computers & Security, 109, 102389, available:
    2020[ to top ]
    • Improving Sentiment Analy...
      Schl{ö}r, D., Zehe, A., Kobs, K., Veseli, B., Westermeier, F., Br{ü}bach, L., Roth, D., Latoschik, M.E., and Hotho, A. (2020) Improving Sentiment Analysis with Biofeedback Data, in Proceedings of LREC2020 Workshop ``People in Language, Vision and the mind’’ (ONION2020), Marseille, France: European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 28–33, available:
    • iNALU: Improved Neural Ar...
      Schlör, D., Ring, M., and Hotho, A. (2020) iNALU: Improved Neural Arithmetic Logic Unit, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 3, 71, available:
    • Financial Fraud Detection...
      Schlör, D., Ring, M., Krause, A., and Hotho, A. (2020) Financial Fraud Detection With Improved Neural Arithmetic Logic Units.
    • Evaluation of Post-hoc XA...
      Tritscher, J., Ring, M., Schlör, D., Hettinger, L., and Hotho, A. (2020) Evaluation of Post-hoc XAI Approaches Through Synthetic Tabular Data., in Helic, D., Leitner, G., Stettinger, M., Felfernig, A. and Ras, Z.W., eds., ISMIS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 422–430, available:
    2019[ to top ]
    • Classification of text-ty...
      Schl{ö}r, D., Sch{ö}ch, C., and Hotho, A. (2019) Classification of text-types in german novels, in Digital Humanities 2019: Conference Abstracts, available:
    • Flow-based network traffi...
      Ring, M., Schlör, D., Landes, D., and Hotho, A. (2019) Flow-based network traffic generation using Generative Adversarial Networks., Comput. Secur., 82, 156–172, available:
    2018[ to top ]
    • Burrows’ Zeta: Explorin...
      Schöch, C., Schlör, D., Zehe, A., Gebhard, H., Becker, M., and Hotho, A. (2018) Burrows’ Zeta: Exploring and Evaluating Variants and Parameters, in DH, 274–277, available:
    • A White-Box Model for Det...
      Zehe, A., Schlör, D., Henny-Krahmer, U., Becker, M., and Hotho, A. (2018) A White-Box Model for Detecting Author Nationality by Linguistic Differences in Spanish Novels, in DH, ADHO.
    2017[ to top ]
    • Neutralising the Authoria...
      Tello, J.C., Schlör, D., Henny-Krahmer, U., and Schöch, C. (2017) Neutralising the Authorial Signal in Delta by Penalization: Stylometric Clustering of Genre in Spanish Novels., in Lewis, R., Raynor, C., Forest, D., Sinatra, M. and Sinclair, S., eds., DH, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), available:
    2016[ to top ]
    • Niebler, T., Schlör, D., Becker, M., and Hotho, A. (2016) Extracting Semantics from Unconstrained Navigation on Wikipedia, KI -- Künstliche Intelligenz, 30(2), 163–168.
    • Straight Talk! Automatic ...
      Sch{ö}ch, C., Schl{ö}r, D., Popp, S., Brunner, A., Henny, U., and Tello, J.C. (2016) Straight Talk! Automatic Recognition of Direct Speech in Nineteenth-Century French Novels., in DH, 346–353.