    Data Science Chair


    Publikationen in den PoSTS-Projekten

    Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Liste der in den jeweiligen Teilprojekten entstandenen Publikationen.

    Publikationen in PoSTS II

    2017[ to top ]
    • MixedTrails: Bayesian hyp...
      MixedTrails: Bayesian hypothesis comparison on heterogeneous sequential data. Becker, Martin; Lemmerich, Florian; Singer, Philipp; Strohmaier, Markus; Hotho, Andreas. In Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. 2017.
    • Learning Semantic Related...
      Learning Semantic Relatedness From Human Feedback Using Metric Learning. Niebler, Thomas; Becker, Martin; Pölitz, Christian; Hotho, Andreas. 2017.
    • Learning Semantic Related...
      Learning Semantic Relatedness from Human Feedback Using Relative Relatedness Learning. Niebler, Thomas; Becker, Martin; Pölitz, Christian; Hotho, Andreas. In ISWC’17. 2017.
    2016[ to top ]
    • Extracting Semantics from...
      Extracting Semantics from Random Walks on Wikipedia: Comparing learning and counting methods. Dallmann, Alexander; Niebler, Thomas; Lemmerich, Florian; Hotho, Andreas. In Wiki Workshop@ICWSM, R. West, L. Zia, D. Taraborelli, J. Leskovec (eds.). 2016.
    • Mining Subgroups with Exc...
      Mining Subgroups with Exceptional Transition Behavior. Lemmerich, Florian; Becker, Martin; Singer, Philipp; Helic, Denis; Hotho, Andreas; Strohmaier, Markus. In KDD, B. Krishnapuram, M. Shah, A. J. Smola, C. Aggarwal, D. Shen, R. Rastogi (eds.), pp. 965–974. ACM, 2016.
    • SparkTrails: A MapReduce ...
      SparkTrails: A MapReduce Implementation of HypTrails for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails. Becker, Martin; Mewes, Hauke; Hotho, Andreas; Dimitrov, Dimitar; Lemmerich, Florian; Strohmaier, Markus. In WWW (Companion Volume), J. Bourdeau, J. Hendler, R. Nkambou, I. Horrocks, B. Y. Zhao (eds.), pp. 17–18. ACM, 2016.
    • What Users Actually do in...
      What Users Actually do in a Social Tagging System: A Study of User Behavior in BibSonomy. Doerfel, Stephan; Zoller, Daniel; Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Hotho, Andreas; Strohmaier, Markus. In ACM Transactions on the Web, 10(2), pp. 14:1–14:32. 2016.
    • Extracting Semantics from...
      Extracting Semantics from Unconstrained Navigation on Wikipedia. Niebler, Thomas; Schlör, Daniel; Becker, Martin; Hotho, Andreas. In KI, 30(2), pp. 163–168. 2016.
    • FolkTrails: Interpreting ...
      FolkTrails: Interpreting Navigation Behavior in a Social Tagging System. Niebler, Thomas; Becker, Martin; Zoller, Daniel; Doerfel, Stephan; Hotho, Andreas. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, of CIKM ’16. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2016.
    2015[ to top ]
    • Photowalking the city: co...
      Photowalking the city: comparing hypotheses about urban photo trails on Flickr. Becker, Martin; Singer, Philipp; Lemmerich, Florian; Hotho, Andreas; Helic, Denis; Strohmaier, Markus. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on SocialInformatics (to appear). Beijing, China, 2015.
    • MicroTrails: Comparing Hy...
      MicroTrails: Comparing Hypotheses About Task Selection on a Crowdsourcing Platform. Becker, Martin; Borchert, Kathrin; Hirth, Matthias; Mewes, Hauke; Hotho, Andreas; Tran-Gia, Phuoc. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, of i-KNOW ’15, pp. 10:1–10:8. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2015.
    • The Role of Structural In...
      The Role of Structural Information for Designing Navigational User Interfaces. Dimitrov, Dimitar; Singer, Philipp; Helic, Denis; Strohmaier, Markus. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext \&\#38; Social Media, of HT ’15, pp. 59–68. ACM, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus, 2015.
    • VizTrails: An Information...
      VizTrails: An Information Visualization Tool for Exploring Geographic Movement Trajectories. Becker, Martin; Singer, Philipp; Lemmerich, Florian; Hotho, Andreas; Helic, Denis; Strohmaier, Markus. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext \&\#38; Social Media, of HT ’15, pp. 319–320. ACM, Guzelyurt, Northern Cyprus, 2015.
    2014[ to top ]
    • How Social is Social Tagg...
      How Social is Social Tagging?. Doerfel, Stephan; Zoller, Daniel; Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Hotho, Andreas; Strohmaier, Markus. In Proceedings of the 23rd International World Wide Web Conference, of WWW 2014. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2014.
    • Of course we share! Testi...
      Of course we share! Testing Assumptions about Social Tagging Systems. Doerfel, Stephan; Zoller, Daniel; Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Hotho, Andreas; Strohmaier, Markus. 2014.

    Publikationen in PoSTS

    2014[ to top ]
    • Semantic stability in soc...
      Semantic stability in social tagging streams. Wagner, Claudia; Singer, Philipp; Strohmaier, Markus; Huberman, Bernardo A. In Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on World wide web, pp. 735–746. ACM, 2014.
    • Folksonomies. Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Hotho, Andreas; Strohmaier, Markus. In Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, pp. 542–547. Springer, 2014.
    • Evolution of Reddit: From...
      Evolution of Reddit: From the Front Page of the Internet to a Self-referential Community?. Singer, Philipp; Fl{ö}ck, Fabian; Meinhart, Clemens; Zeitfogel, Elias; Strohmaier, Markus. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, of WWW ’14 Companion, pp. 517–522. ACM, Seoul, Korea, 2014.
    • Understanding, Leveraging...
      Understanding, Leveraging and Improving Human Navigation on the Web. Singer, Philipp. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, of WWW ’14 Companion, pp. 27–32. ACM, Seoul, Korea, 2014.
    2013[ to top ]
    • How Tagging Pragmatics In...
      How Tagging Pragmatics Influence Tag Sense Discovery in Social Annotation Systems. Niebler, Thomas; Singer, Philipp; Benz, Dominik; Körner, Christian; Strohmaier, Markus; Hotho, Andreas. In Advances in Information Retrieval, Vol. 7814, P. Serdyukov, P. Braslavski, S. Kuznetsov, J. Kamps, S. Rüger, E. Agichtein, I. Segalovich, E. Yilmaz (eds.), pp. 86–97. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
    • Computing semantic relate...
      Computing semantic relatedness from human navigational paths on Wikipedia. Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Strohmaier, Markus; Hotho, Andreas. In Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web companion, of WWW ’13 Companion, ACM (ed.), pp. 171–172. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2013.
    • Computing Semantic Relate...
      Computing Semantic Relatedness from Human Navigational Paths: A Case Study on Wikipedia. Singer, Philipp; Niebler, Thomas; Strohmaier, Markus; Hotho, Andreas. In International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), 9(4), pp. 41–70. IGI Global, 2013.