Games Engineering

Anne Vetter

B.Sc. Anne Vetter

Anne has ample experience in the design and development of Virtual Reality experiences. In her first Game Lab project, as part of her Games Engineering B.Sc. program, together with her peer Daniel Götz she developed "The Art of Loci", a VR experience that allows one to compose mind palaces for easy memorisation and recall. For her Bachelor thesis, she developed "Baked Burger Bash", a serious VR game that is used to inform about the side effects of drug misuse. She's currently enrolled in the Computer Science, M.Sc. program. On the side, she invested herself in the WueDive project, where she developed "Brain Builder", a VR game for teaching insect brain anatomy. The three mentioned VR projects have been scientificially published.


  • BrainBuilder: A Virtual Reality Serious Game for Insect Neuroanatomy Education. Vetter, Anne; Chetitah, Mounsif; Eckmann, Daniel; Lengfeld, Tobias; Pfeifer, Keram; von Mammen, Sebastian. In 2024 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 1–4. 2024.
  • Baked Burger Bash: A Serious Virtual Reality Game Informing about the Effects of Acute Cannabinoid Intoxication. Vetter, Anne; Büttner, Johannes; von Mammen, Sebastian. In 2023 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 1–4. 2023.
  • femtoPro: virtual-reality interactive training simulator of an ultrafast laser laboratory. Brixner, Tobias; Mueller, Stefan; Müller, Andreas; Knote, Andreas; Schnepp, Wilhelm; Truman, Samuel; Vetter, Anne; von Mammen, Sebastian. In Applied Physics B, 129(5). Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2023.
  • femtoPro: Ultrafast Phenomena in Virtual Reality. Müller, Stefan; Brixner, Tobias; Knote, Andreas; Schnepp, Wilhelm; Truman, Samuel; Vetter, Anne; von Mammen, Sebastian. In The International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena ({UP}) 2022 (2022), paper W4A.42, p. W4A.42. Optica Publishing Group, 2022.
  • The Art of Loci: Immerse to Memorize. Vetter, Anne; Götz, Daniel; von Mammen, Sebastian. In 2020 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), pp. 642–645. IEEE, Osaka, Japan, 2020.