

Permanent at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Advanced seminar for degree candidates Oberseminar Robotik (2 hrs., appointments by arrangement)

Winter Semester 2024/25 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing*  (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Computer Science for Space Enigeering*  (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Robotics I* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Control Engineering in Space I* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Space Dynamics* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Raumfahrttechnik - Planetary Rovers* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2024 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Autonomous Mobile Systems* (previously known as Advanced Automation) (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Robotics II* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Sensory Systems and Sensor Data Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Control Engineering in Space I* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Spaceflight technology for active debris removal* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Space Systems Engineering* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Space Mechanics* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Planetary Exploration* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2023/24 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Computer Science for Space Enigeering*  (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Robotics I* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Control Engineering in Space I* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Space Dynamics* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2023 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Autonomous Mobile Systems* (previously known as Advanced Automation) (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Robotics II* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Sensory Systems and Sensor Data Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Control Engineering in Space I* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Spaceflight technology for active debris removal* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practocal Course AMADEE-24 Mars simulation (appointments by arrangement)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Planetary Exploration* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2022/23 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Computer Science for Space Enigeering*  (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Robotics I* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Spacecraft System Analysis* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Control Engineering in Space I* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Space Dynamics* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2022 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Autonomous Mobile Systems* (previously known as Advanced Automation) (4+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Planetary Exploration* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2021/22 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Computer Science for Space Enigeering* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Telematics (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2021 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Autonomous Mobile Systems* (a.k.a. Advanced Automation) (4+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2020/21 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Computer Science for Space Enigeering* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Team Design Project* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2020 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2019/20 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Automation* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Photogrammetric Machine Vision* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Computer Science for Space Enigeering* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course FloatSat* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2019 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2018/19 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Automation* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises Computer Science for Space Enigeering* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course FloatSat* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2018 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2017/18 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2017 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2016/17 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Automation* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar 3D mapping and geometry processing for underwater and aerospace applications* (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Project Presentation* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Team Design Project* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2016 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Collission Detection* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2015/16 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Automation* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Underwater Imaging and Laserscanning* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Team Design Project* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2015 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

  • Seminar Underwater Imaging and Laserscanning* (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2014/15 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Automation* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Mobile Mapping* (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2014 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Automatisierungs- und Regelungstechnik* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D Point Cloud Processing* (2+2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Mess- und Regelungstechnik* (6 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2013/14 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises Advanced Automation* (4+2 hrs.)

  • Seminar Mobile Mapping* (2 hrs.)

  • Practical Course Team Design Project* (6 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2013 at University of Würzburg, Germany

  • Practical Course Measurement and control technology* (6 hrs.)

Spring Semester 2013 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture Robotics** (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar and Project Topics in Machine Vision** (2+2 hrs.)

Fall Semester 2012 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture and Lab 3D Point Cloud processing** (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Computer Science Algorithms and Data Structures** (2 hrs.)

Spring Semester 2012 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture Robotics** (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar and Project Topics in Automation** (2+2 hrs.)

Fall Semester 2011 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture and Lab Advanced Automation and Control** (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Computer Science Algorithms and Data Structures** (2 hrs.)

Spring Semester 2011 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture Robotics** (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar and Project Topics in Machine Vision** (2+2 hrs.)

Fall Semester 2010 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture and Lab Machine Vision** (2+2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Computer Science Algorithms and Data Structures** (2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Artificial Intelligence** (2 hrs.)

  • Independent Study Course Autonomous Mobile Manipulation [more information]

Spring Semester 2010 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture Robotics** (2 hrs.)

  • Seminar and Project Topics in Automation** (2+2 hrs.)

  • Independent Study Course Autonomous Mobile Manipulation [more information]

  • Independent Study Course Object Recognition in 3D Data

Fall Semester 2009 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture Computer Science Algorithms and Data Structures** (2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Artificial Intelligence** (2 hrs.)

Spring Semester 2009 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture Robotics** (2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 2008/09 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

  • Lecture Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++*** (1 hrs.)

  • Tutorials Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++*** (1 hrs.)

  • Practical course Robotikpratikum*** (4 hrs.)

  • Exercises for Lecture Robotik*** (2 hrs.)

Fall Semester 2008 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

  • Lecture Fundamentat Computer Science I (Algorithms and Data Structures)** (2 hrs.)

  • Lecture Artificial Intelligence** (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2008 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D-Bildverarbeitung*** [more information] (2 + 2 hrs.)

  • Exercises for Lecture Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz*** (2 hrs.)

Interdisciplinary College IK 2008, Günne, Germany

  • Lecture AI and Robotics [IK2008]

Spring Semester 2008 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

Winter Semester 2007/08 at University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Winter Semester 2007/08 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

  • Lecture Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++*** (1 hrs.)

  • Tutorials Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++*** (1 hrs.)

  • Practical course RoboCup Rescue*** (4 hrs.)

  • Colloquium Graduiertenseminar Wissenbasierte Systeme*** (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2007 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

  • Lecture and Exercises 3D-Bildverarbeitung für mobile Roboter*** [more information] (2 + 2 hrs.)

  • Reading group Wissenbasierte Systeme*** (2 hrs.)

  • Practical course Rasende Roboter*** [more information (WIKI accessable within Uni Osnabrück)] (2 hrs.)

  • Colloquium Graduiertenseminar Wissenbasierte Systeme*** (2 hrs.)

Spring Semester 2007 at Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

Winter Semester 2006/07 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

  • Lecture Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++*** (1 hrs.)

  • Tutorials Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++*** (1 hrs.)

  • Exercises for Lecture Wissensbasierte Robotik***

  • Project Group Kurt's Grand Challenge -- Autonomous Driving in the Botanical Garden (Part 2) (4 hrs.)

  • Reading group Wissenbasierte Systeme*** (2 hrs.)

  • Colloquium Graduiertenseminar Wissenbasierte Systeme*** (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2006 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

Winter Semester 2005/06 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

  • Seminar Knowledge-Based Robotics*** (2 hrs.)

  • Exercises for Lecture Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz*** (2 hrs.)

  • Practical course RoboCup Rescue (4 hrs.)

  • Reading group Wissenbasierte Systeme*** (2 hrs.)

  • Colloquium Graduiertenseminar Wissenbasierte Systeme*** (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2005 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

Winter Semester 2004/05 at University of Osnabrück, Germany

Rescue Robotics Camp 2004, Rom, Italy

  • Lectures and Exercises for Rescue Robotics Camp

    View the complete presentation (lecture) here. In addition we developed an ICP version for merging 3D point clouds. Click here to download the source code. It is C++ Code running under Linux and it uses the OpenGL and GLUT library. In addition we use David Mount's ANN kd trees for fast point lookup and Robert Davis' Newmat lib for computing the SVD of a matrix.

Winter Semester 2002/03 at Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany

  • Teaching position (Lehrauftrag) for Lecture Regelungstechnik (2 hrs.)

Summer Semester 2000 at University of Bonn, Germany

  • Tutor for Informatik IV (2+2 hrs.)

Winter Semester 1999/2000 at University of Bonn, Germany

  • Tutor for Informatik III (2+2 hrs.)

Spring 1999 at Washington State University, Pullman, U.S.A.

  • Teaching Assistent for Data Structures (2+2 hrs.)


*Further information and lecture notes at Wuecampus2.
**Further information and lecture notes at Jacobs University's campusnet.
***Further information and lecture notes at Univeristy of Osnabrück's StudIP.